Xavier Noria
Use cover? for validates_inclusion_of with Ranges on 1.9 was updated by Xavier Noria
Friday Feb 18
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Provide NoStore implementation of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store was updated by Xavier Noria
Thursday Feb 17
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Provide NoStore implementation of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store was updated by Xavier Noria 09:18 AM ticket
Provide NoStore implementation of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store was updated by Xavier Noria 08:16 AM ticket
Rails.cache freezes all objects passed to itwas updated by Xavier NoriaWednesday Feb 16
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Provide NoStore implementation of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store was updated by Xavier Noria
Thursday Feb 10
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Filter sensitive `QUERY_STRING` parameters in the log was updated by Xavier Noria
Tuesday Feb 08
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Section 2.5 of I18n guide for Rails 3.0 is outdatedwas updated by Xavier NoriaFriday Feb 04
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Filter sensitive `QUERY_STRING` parameters in the log was updated by Xavier Noria 09:37 AM ticket
Filter sensitive `QUERY_STRING` parameters in the log was updated by Xavier Noria 09:27 AM ticket