Anil Wadghule
Segmentation fault at http://localhost:3000/rails/info/properties on new application was updated by Anil Wadghule
Friday Apr 23
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instances of a Join Model should have their before_destroy callbacks called when destroyed through @instance.others.clear or @instance.update_attributes was updated by Anil Wadghule 08:13 PM ticket
Use correct RUBY_PLATFORM regex for Windows platform was updated by Anil Wadghule
Tuesday Apr 13
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Use correct RUBY_PLATFORM regex for Windows platform was updated by Anil Wadghule 08:29 PM ticket
Use correct RUBY_PLATFORM regex for Windows platform was updated by Anil Wadghule 08:29 PM ticket
Use correct RUBY_PLATFORM regex for W... was created by Anil Wadghule 08:24 PM ticket
[PATCH] Change RAILS_ROOT to Rails.root was updated by Anil Wadghule
Monday Apr 12
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[PATCH] Change RAILS_ROOT to Rails.root was updated by Anil Wadghule 07:26 PM ticket
Change RAILS_ROOT to Rails.root was updated by Anil Wadghule 07:25 PM ticket
Change RAILS_ROOT to Rails.root in was created by Anil Wadghule 07:25 PM ticket