jack dempsey (jackdempsey)
split out migration logic in generators was created by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)
Tuesday Aug 17
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Failed to start a rails applicationwas updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)Wednesday Mar 10
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Error Rails 3.0 pre Rack version incompatiblewas updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)Sunday Dec 27
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Adding Array.uniq_by(proc) to core_ext, allowing selection of unique elements based on their response to a proc was updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)
Wednesday Oct 28
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named_scope doesn't override default_scope's :order keywas updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)Wednesday Jul 29
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habtm: collection.build doesn't build join associations (unlike collection.create)was updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)Tuesday Jul 14
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humanize and human_name don't separate words was updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)
Tuesday Mar 03
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add column_exists and index_exists methods for migrationswas updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)Sunday Feb 01
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add column_exists and index_exists methods for migrationswas updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey) 06:06 AM ticket -
add column_exists and index_exists methods for migrations was updated by jack dempsey (jackdempsey)
Wednesday Jan 14