Deprecated method modelwas updated by PratikFriday Mar 13
ticket -
Add some options in select_hour helperwas updated by Pratik 10:34 AM ticket - batches: :conditions for each are applied to each Model.find within the each loop was updated by Pratik 10:12 AM ticket
TimeWithZones aren't serialized properly in Hash#to_xml
was updated by Pratik
Thursday Mar 12
ticket -
ActionMailer subclass renders view when @@perform_deliveries = falsewas updated by Pratik 05:37 PM ticket - Namespaced resources fail in production when controllers are not namespaced was updated by Pratik 05:30 PM ticket
- Partial indices using add_index in DB migrations was updated by Pratik 05:28 PM ticket
- sqlite missing ddl transactions and savepoints was updated by Pratik 05:27 PM ticket
Sqlite, sqlite3 bug in add_column when column is primary key (Trac #9385)was updated by Pratik 05:27 PM ticket -
unnecessarily loading environmentwas updated by Pratik 05:24 PM ticket