Ryan Bigg
Misleading comment if db/schema.rb doesn't existwas updated by Ryan BiggSaturday Oct 09
ticket -
[Rails 3] Multibyte char in controllerwas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket -
Sqlite, sqlite3 bug in add_column when column is primary key (Trac #9385)was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket - undefined method `destroyed?' for ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket
Add ability to store counter_cache information (for the belongs_to association option)was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket -
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch with same class name -- added helpful exception messagewas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket - named_scope doesn't override default_scope's :order key was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket
Whitespace Bug in Erb Comments in Rails 2.2.2was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:12 PM ticket -
humanize and human_name don't separate wordswas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:11 PM ticket -
ERROR Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:11 PM ticket