Geoff Buesing
Finding the days/weeks/months/years between two dates was updated by Geoff Buesing
Monday Jan 19
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Finding the days/weeks/months/years between two dates was updated by Geoff Buesing 03:40 PM ticket
Finding the days/weeks/months/years between two dates was updated by Geoff Buesing 03:37 PM ticket
time.end_of_day not entirely accurate was updated by Geoff Buesing 03:05 PM ticket
AR::Base should not be nuking it's children, just because it lost interest was updated by Geoff Buesing
Sunday Jan 11
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DateTime#to_time should always return a Time was updated by Geoff Buesing 08:23 PM ticket
TimeWithZone#xmlschema doesn't accept fraction_digits argumentwas updated by Geoff Buesing 08:04 PM ticket -
AR::Base should not be nuking it's children, just because it lost interest was updated by Geoff Buesing
Thursday Jan 08
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AR::Base should not be nuking it's children, just because it lost interest was updated by Geoff Buesing 03:44 PM ticket
AR::Base should not be nuking it's children, just because it lost interest was updated by Geoff Buesing
Wednesday Jan 07