Caio Chassot
`ruby1.9 rails/railties/bin/rails foo --dev` will eventually call `bundle`, it should call `bundle1.9`
was updated by Caio Chassot
Friday Feb 26
ticket -
`ruby1.9 rails/railties/bin/rails foo...
was created by Caio Chassot
Monday Feb 22
ticket -
template lookup should search controller inheritance chain
was updated by Caio Chassot
Monday Jan 25
ticket -
Add way for plugins to map routes
was updated by Caio Chassot
Monday Aug 24
ticket -
Add way for plugins to map routeswas updated by Caio ChassotFriday Jul 10
ticket -
Add way for plugins to map routeswas updated by Caio Chassot 04:59 AM ticket -
#to_json not working because always being called on Object
was updated by Caio Chassot
Thursday May 21
ticket - #to_json not working because always being called on Object was updated by Caio Chassot 06:45 PM ticket
- #to_json not working because always being called on Object was updated by Caio Chassot 06:42 PM ticket
- #to_json not working because always being called on Object was updated by Caio Chassot 06:39 PM ticket