John Trupiano
select helper breaks for numerical values and displays
was updated by John Trupiano
Saturday Sep 26
ticket - [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words misleading for durations close to full years or close to 48 hours was updated by John Trupiano 09:29 PM ticket
- [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Trupiano 09:23 PM ticket
- [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words mis... was created by John Trupiano 09:23 PM ticket
- Time.current.utc_offset and are different during DST was updated by John Trupiano 06:40 PM ticket
- [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Trupiano 05:52 PM ticket
- [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Trupiano 05:42 PM ticket
- [PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Trupiano 04:55 PM ticket
- Time.current.utc_offset and are different during DST was updated by John Trupiano 04:31 PM ticket
- Time.current.utc_offset and are different during DST was updated by John Trupiano 04:23 PM ticket