Santiago Pastorino
link_to XSS problemwas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday May 26
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Unneeded alias removed from SafeBufferwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:39 PM ticket - Unneeded alias removed from SafeBuffer was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:10 PM ticket
- Unneeded alias removed from SafeBuffer was created by Santiago Pastorino 03:07 PM ticket
- Translation_helper refactor was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:05 PM ticket
- Translation_helper refactor was created by Santiago Pastorino 03:02 PM ticket
link_to XSS problemwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 01:33 AM ticket -
link_to with block failing on 2.3.8 with rails_xsswas updated by Santiago PastorinoTuesday May 25
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link_to with block failing on 2.3.8 with rails_xsswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 09:49 PM ticket - link_to with block failing on 2.3.8 with rails_xss was updated by Santiago Pastorino 09:10 PM ticket