Greg Hazel
ActiveRecord scopes accumulate joins ... was created by Greg Hazel
Monday Apr 04
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image_path helper won't generate absolute paths without asset_hostwas updated by Greg HazelThursday Mar 31
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before_validation_on_create and before_validation_on_update doesn't exist was updated by Greg Hazel 01:10 AM ticket
explicit callback cancellation instead of implicit based on return value was updated by Greg Hazel 12:05 AM ticket
[VERIFIED] batches: :conditions for each are applied to each Model.find within the each loopwas updated by Greg HazelTuesday Mar 29
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explicit callback cancellation instead of implicit based on return value was updated by Greg Hazel
Friday Mar 25
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explicit callback cancellation instea... was created by Greg Hazel 01:38 AM ticket
has_many :through associations are created with .create! even if the parent is created with .create was updated by Greg Hazel
Thursday Mar 24
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:counter_cache not updated if polymorphic => true when assigning associationwas updated by Greg HazelThursday Feb 03
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test_belongs_to_reassign_with_namespaced_models_and_counters failure was updated by Greg Hazel
Wednesday Feb 02