average() returns integer values instead of decimals
was updated by 2kan
Saturday Dec 18
ticket - average() returns integer values instead of decimals was updated by 2kan 03:50 PM ticket
- PostgreSQL and Rails 3.0.3 migrations fail with index name length > 64 chars was updated by 2kan 11:41 AM ticket
path helper problem
was updated by 2kan
Wednesday Dec 08
ticket - path helper problem was updated by 2kan 02:30 PM ticket
Route constraints regex with predefined characters classes in square brackets does not work
was updated by 2kan
Thursday Nov 25
ticket -
Route constraints regex with predefined characters classes in square brackets does not work
was updated by 2kan
Wednesday Nov 24
ticket - Route constraints regex with predefined characters classes in square brackets does not work was updated by 2kan 05:35 PM ticket
The Rails sanitizer incorrectly remove hrefs that contain capitalized URLs
was updated by 2kan
Tuesday Nov 23
ticket - The Rails sanitizer incorrectly remove hrefs that contain capitalized URLs was updated by 2kan 09:19 PM ticket