[PATCH] error_message_on does not display error message when form builder is not passed object
was updated by sr.iniv.t
Sunday Sep 27
ticket - [PATCH] ERB in environment.rb after running rake dev was updated by sr.iniv.t 07:34 AM ticket
- :counter_cache not updated if polymorphic => true when assigning association was updated by sr.iniv.t 07:13 AM ticket
- [PATCH] ActiveSupport::Memoizable - flush_cache fails for methods ending in ? was updated by sr.iniv.t 07:05 AM ticket
- Reduce queries in uniqueness validation was updated by sr.iniv.t 06:32 AM ticket
- ActionView::TemplateHandlers::ERB.erb_trim_mode= broken was updated by sr.iniv.t 05:53 AM ticket
- Almost 1 second extra in time subtraction (rails 2.3.4) was updated by sr.iniv.t 05:43 AM ticket
- "bös".chars.reverse is "s̈ob" for decomposed string was updated by sr.iniv.t 05:38 AM ticket
- [PATCH] visibility of fixture accssor methods was updated by sr.iniv.t 05:34 AM ticket
- [PATCH] Fix Hash#from_xml with empty hash (using REXML backend) was updated by sr.iniv.t 05:32 AM ticket