Sven Fuchs
Deprecation of old AR error message interpolation vars too greedywas updated by Sven FuchsSunday Aug 02
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Make app templates sync output back immediately? was updated by Sven Fuchs 06:16 PM ticket
Make app templates sync output back immediately? was updated by Sven Fuchs 06:15 PM ticket
Allow i18n to be loaded from gem instead of from vendor dir was updated by Sven Fuchs
Sunday Jul 12
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Allow i18n to be loaded from gem instead of from vendor dir was updated by Sven Fuchs 03:19 PM ticket
I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific localewas updated by Sven FuchsWednesday Jul 08
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i18n support for Engines was updated by Sven Fuchs 11:38 PM ticket
I18n :prompt message for select helpers was updated by Sven Fuchs 11:37 PM ticket
"Validation failed" not available for translation was updated by Sven Fuchs 11:33 PM ticket
ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper: I18n Translation failes was updated by Sven Fuchs 11:29 PM ticket