Eloy Duran
accepts_nested_attributes_for causes stack level too deep was updated by Eloy Duran
Thursday Dec 17
ticket -
nested models: build should directly assign the parent was updated by Eloy Duran 02:47 PM ticket
:autosave => true + accepts_nested_attributes_for = circular validation & blown stack was updated by Eloy Duran 02:41 PM ticket
:inverse_of not honored when replacing a has_one association was updated by Eloy Duran 11:34 AM ticket
Add inverse polymorphic association support was updated by Eloy Duran 11:15 AM ticket
:inverse_of not honored when replacing a has_one association was updated by Eloy Duran 11:15 AM ticket
Add inverse polymorphic association support was updated by Eloy Duran 11:01 AM ticket
Add inverse polymorphic association support was updated by Eloy Duran 11:01 AM ticket
:autosave => true + accepts_nested_attributes_for = circular validation & blown stack was updated by Eloy Duran 10:44 AM ticket
accepts_nested_attributes_for with :touch => ture cause ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError was updated by Eloy Duran
Friday Dec 11