Manfred Stienstra
count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Thursday Apr 02
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OrderedHash#shift should return nil when empty was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Thursday Mar 26
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default_scope with named_scope or scoped merge broken on 2.3 was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Monday Mar 23
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count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Thursday Mar 19
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ActiveRecord::Base#saved? was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Wednesday Mar 18
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count breaks has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Monday Mar 16
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ActiveRecord's "count" method doesn't work with has_many :through and MySQLwas updated by Manfred Stienstra 03:11 PM ticket -
Time + Duration misbehaves on DST boundary was updated by Manfred Stienstra
Tuesday Mar 10
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JSON encoding breaks when JSON gem is... was created by Manfred Stienstra 04:41 PM ticket
count breaks sqlite has_many through association collection with named scope was updated by Manfred Stienstra 02:40 PM ticket