use alias nodes to represent table al... was committed by Aaron Patterson
Friday Dec 10
changeset -
no more manager manipulation if there... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
avoid *args on join_target_table http... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
eliminate lasgns https://github.com/r... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
use table alias nodes rather than Tab... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
only quote the table name once per ca... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
froms should never equal 0 https://gi... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
manager will always be a manager http... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
dealing with an AST manager, not a re... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
config.action_controller.perform_cach... was created by Conrad Taylor 08:14 PM ticket
Setting the id of a belongs_to object does not update the reference to the objectwas updated by Andrew Assarattanakul 07:24 PM ticket -
Generate valid sql for ActiveRecord::Reflection with polymorphic aspect through dependent_conditions method was updated by Ari Epstein 05:29 PM ticket
Generate valid sql for ActiveRecord::Reflection with polymorphic aspect through dependent_conditions method was updated by Ari Epstein 05:10 PM ticket
Generate valid sql for ActiveRecord::... was created by Ari Epstein 05:06 PM ticket
Model generator doesn't honor --skip ... was created by Evgeniy Dolzhenko 04:24 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 03:53 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by José Valim 03:45 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 03:38 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by José Valim 03:09 PM ticket
Provide NoStore implementation of ActiveSupport::Cache::Store was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 02:38 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 02:33 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 02:30 PM ticket
respond_with broke (or fixed) in rails 3.0.3 was updated by Dmitry Maksimov 02:28 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 02:28 PM ticket
ActiveRecord Fixture class was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 02:07 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 02:01 PM ticket
ActiveRecord Fixture class was updated by Brian Underwood 01:56 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 12:56 PM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 11:56 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by José Valim 11:48 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 11:32 AM ticket
Please close, user error.was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 11:01 AM ticket -
Piotr Sarnacki was invited to the Ruby on Rails Project. 11:00 AM member
automatic client side validation with HTML 5 "required" attribute was updated by Christian Peters 10:39 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by José Valim 10:34 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 10:27 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 10:02 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 09:42 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Paul Odeon 09:09 AM ticket
Rails 3 generators won't invoke custom generators was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 09:06 AM ticket
[PATCH] Ignore domain :all option if host is IP address or localhost was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 08:57 AM ticket
ActiveRecord Fixture class was updated by Piotr Sarnacki 08:20 AM ticket
require core_ext/array/wrap in active... was committed by Piotr Sarnacki 07:59 AM changeset
Please close, user error. was updated by wtn 04:06 AM ticket
pg uses wrong unix domain socket was created by wtn 03:21 AM ticket
move join creation a little closer to... was committed by Aaron Patterson
Thursday Dec 09
changeset -
use inject rather than lasgn https://... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:35 PM changeset
Windows & sqlserver - ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (NoMemoryError: failed to allocate memory: SELECT was updated by Rhett Barber 11:29 PM ticket
preheating cache so that tests can ru... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:14 PM changeset
reuse the superclass methods for shor... was committed by Aaron Patterson 09:50 PM changeset
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