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Ruby on Rails: 3.1
Aaron Patterson's assigned tickets
6 tickets open
- #6098 ActiveRecord Fixture class activerecord rails3 question verified
- #4337 Tweaks to make ActiveRecord Fiber-friendly no tags open
- #6290 [PATCH] except doesn't work in different scopes activerecord scopes bug patch rails edge scope open
- #4598 default_scope treats hashes and relations inconsistently when overwriting activerecord bug bugmash patch open
- #4361 has_many through self join does not include table alias, so fails has_many_through_association patch tests unit open
- #950 AttributeDecorator, a new take on aggregation. no tags open
Andrew White's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #6638 Autogenerated fixture ids too long for some MySQL integer types no tags open
Jeff Kreeftmeijer's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #6555 delete_all doesn't work when chained with joins activerecord delete_all patch open
Jeremy Kemper's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #5588 Integrate support for Dalli no tags open
José Valim's assigned tickets
2 tickets open
- #4444 Can no longer rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError no tags new
- #3768 Add :full_message option to validations activemodel errors full_message full_messages patch validations open
Piotr Sarnacki's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #6287 Correct size units in number_to_human_size helper action_view number_to_human_size view_helpers new
Santiago Pastorino's assigned tickets
7 tickets open
- #6379 accept header with */* does not match html templates no tags verified
- #4520 #as_json should only ever return a Hash, Array, Numeric, String, nil, true or false activerecord activesupport json serialization open
- #6421 Deprecate 'escape' parameter/option in three helper functions content_tag escape helpers html_safe tag text_area_tag open
- #5528 scopes using `reorder` don't override `default_scope` order no tags open
- #6011 except(:order).order(...) is not working in scopes activerecord default_scope scope tests open
- #6558 Alias for escape_javascript actionpack actionview render_javascript open
- #6048 db:test:clone_structure fails for Postgres & SQLite when your rails app has a space in the directory name bugs patch postgresql rake tasks open
Unassigned tickets
4 tickets open
- #4914 ActiveRecord :inverse_of doesn't have any effect activerecord rails3 inverse_of open
- #5120 automatic client side validation with HTML 5 "required" attribute actionview activemodel edge patch radio_button_tag rails3.1 tested text_area_tag text_field validates_length_of validates_numericality_of validates_presence_of validations open
- #5371 layout with :only/:except options makes other actions render without layouts rails 3 open
- #4594 Add methods for including start events with notified actions 3.0 notifications patch open
Closed Tickets
✔ #5442
Model.has_many_through_association.find(id) returns a read-only recordhas_many_through patch ✓resolved -
✔ #6513
simple_format behaviour changed when used in Mailer viewno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #6681
Ordinalize Negative Numbersactivesupport inflections patch tested ✓committed -
✔ #1855
Return associated records not proxies from readers of non-collection associationsactiverecord association associations association_proxy patch ✓stale -
✔ #4562
.select and :select in AR does not work correctly with an arrayactiverecord arel patch rails3 ✓stale -
✔ #5882
Unable to run rails:update if the app is generated with dev optionno tags ✓stale -
✔ #5323
Class Attribute setter method doesn't return set valueactivesupport bug class_attribute activesupport core_ext patch tested ✓stale -
✔ #5386
AR::Base#unscoped inconsistencyactive_record bug default_scope rails3rc unscoped ✓stale -
✔ #6739
Move TranslationHelper to I18n gem and bump I18n to 0.6.0i18n ✓committed -
✔ #1812
default_scope can't take procsdefault_scope named_scope patch rails 3.1 ✓resolved -
✔ #6539
plugin_new generator creates empty app/templates/public/javascripts directory instead of public/javascriptspatch plugin_new ✓resolved -
✔ #6568
generator test failure: undefined method 'parents'generators patch ✓resolved -
✔ #948
template lookup should search controller inheritance chainactionpack edge enhancement patch ✓resolved -
✔ #6196
[PATCH] Improve support for non-standard domain names3.x cookie_store patch ✓committed -
✔ #6242
Use Rails 3.1 `change` method in migration and model generatorsactiverecord migration ✓committed -
✔ #6256
[PATCH] select helpers with boolean attributesno tags ✓committed -
✔ #4723
:disable_with option doesn't work inside a <table> tagdisable_with rails 300beta3 table ✓invalid -
✔ #5599
Use Array.wrap instead of Array()no tags ✓stale -
✔ #2988
authenticity_token option for form_tagactionpack actionview authenticity_token form patch request-forgery-protection ✓resolved -
✔ #5631
Active Resource should warn about missing prefix valueno tags ✓committed
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<h2 style="font-size: 14px">Tickets have moved to Github</h2>
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Responsible for this Milestone
Aaron Patterson tenderlovemaker 6
Andrew White Technical Director 1
Carl Lerche Code Magician 0
Jeff Kreeftmeijer programmer 1
Jeremy Kemper 1
Jon Leighton Programmer 0
José Valim Developer 2
Mikel Lindsaar 0
Piotr Sarnacki 1
Santiago Pastorino Software Engineer 7
Yehuda Katz (wycats) 0
Unassigned Unassigned tickets 4