This project is archived and is in readonly mode.
Ruby on Rails: 2.3.10
More bugfixes, deprecation code from stuff we've changed in master.
Jeremy Kemper's assigned tickets
3 tickets open
- #2188 Encoding error in Ruby1.9 for templates no tags open
- #3502 Reloading a new record results in an inconsistent state no tags open
- #4808 Textarea input silently truncated in 2.3.8! 2.3.8 2.3.9 actionpack params incomplete
Matt Jones's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
Pratik's assigned tickets
3 tickets open
- #3234 change_column carries over default when it can't be carried activerecord active_record migrate migration migrations migrator mysql open
- #2346 named_scope doesn't override default_scope's :order key no tags open
- #2251 AssociationCollection#destroy should only delete join table records activerecord associations bugmash destroy has_many_through patch open
Unassigned tickets
5 tickets open
- #4141 The rake tasks db:create and db:drop throws an error when the database.yml file is configured in a non default location. configuration database.yml databasesrake rake_dev open
- #2907 Custom counter_cache is not used when using collection.size method 2.3.6 active_record bugmash collection counter_cache patch open
- #1210 table_name_prefix with db:schema:load causes double prefixes no tags open
- #2448 Rails 2.3 JSON "put" request routing is broken 2.3.2 2.3.5 bugmash json patch put request rest routing new
- #4961 schema_migrations already exists error on db:migrate with two-database app migrations open
Closed Tickets
✔ #3678
Small tweak to fix unnecessary duping and loadingno tags ✓stale -
✔ #3472
AssociationCollection#include? ignoring build associated objectsno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #5626
ActiveRecord generates invalid SQL when eager loading a hmt association with an order2.3.9 activerecord eager_loading has_many_through patch ✓resolved -
✔ #2747
Aggregation writer doesn't behave nicely when converter returns nilactiverecord aggregations bugmash patch testcase ✓stale -
✔ #3664
CookieStore does not implement backwards compatibility for :session_domainbugmash cookie_store sessions ✓stale -
✔ #3527
undefined method `destroyed?' for ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociationno tags ✓stale -
✔ #4169 (PUT) doesn't clear out errorsno tags ✓stale -
✔ #4098
I18n incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and US-ASCIIi18n patch ✓resolved -
✔ #3479
ActiveSupport::JSON fails to decode unicode-escaped newline and literal newlinesactivesupport decode json newline patch yaml ✓resolved -
✔ #1671
Inappropriate "@variable will no longer be implicitly assigned to variable" messageno tags ✓resolved -
✔ #4680
Rails 2.3.7 and Ruby 1.9: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCIIbug encodings rails 237 ruby 19 ✓stale -
✔ #5710
rake db:structure:dump incorrectly uses the test environment adapter in erroractive_record bug patch rake tasks ✓stale -
✔ #1852
Patch to add index length supportactiverecord bugmash migrations patch schema ✓stale -
✔ #2137
Allow find_in_batches to use :order, :limit, and :offset230 active_record batches bugmash ✓stale -
✔ #2622
PostgreSQL Adapter Breaks on Complex 'Order By' Clausesassociations bugmash columns distinct limit order parse patch postgresql ✓stale -
✔ #1560
link_to in ActionView::TestCase uses ActionController::UrlRewriter's url_for instead of ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelperbugmash ✓stale -
✔ #2553
ActionView::TemplateHandlers::ERB.erb_trim_mode= broken23x actionview bugmash config configuration erb ✓stale -
✔ #801
Associations.rb throws exceptionno tags ✓invalid -
✔ #2476
ASCII-8BIT encoding of query results in rails 2.3.2 and ruby 1.9.1232 activerecord bug bugmash patch ruby19 ✓stale -
✔ #2871
Allow i18n to be loaded from gem instead of from vendor dir2-3-stable 30 bugmash patch ✓stale
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<h2 style="font-size: 14px">Tickets have moved to Github</h2>
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Responsible for this Milestone
Aaron Patterson tenderlovemaker 0
Andrew White Technical Director 0
Brian Lopez senior developer 0
Geoff Buesing 0
Jeremy Kemper 3
José Valim Developer 0
Manfred Stienstra Developer 0
Matt Jones 1
Michael Koziarski Coder Guy 0
Mikel Lindsaar 0
Pratik Rails Hippy 3
Ryan Bigg Lord of Programming 0
Sam Ruby co-author Agile Web Development with Rails 0
Santiago Pastorino Software Engineer 0
Tarmo Tänav 0
Yehuda Katz (wycats) 0
Unassigned Unassigned tickets 5