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Bump to arel 0.3.3 to resolve Active ...
was committed by Jeremy Kemper
Thursday Mar 25
- Remove unused attributes_with_quotes ... was committed by Emilio Tagua 06:47 PM
- Move methods from association to rela... was committed by Emilio Tagua 06:47 PM
- Refactor relation merging to create j... was committed by Emilio Tagua 04:03 PM
- Require Arel 0.3.2 was committed by Emilio Tagua 03:37 PM
- Add add_limit_offset! to adapters. ht... was committed by Emilio Tagua 03:37 PM
- Allow deprecation messages with or wi... was committed by Emilio Tagua 02:44 PM
- Set mailer template_root as absolute ... was committed by Rodrigo Kochenburger 02:36 PM
- Fix incorrect relative paths being us... was committed by Tom Lea 02:33 PM
expand migration paths before requiri...
was committed by Aaron Patterson
Wednesday Mar 24
- do not use unloadable constants in te... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:02 AM
init.rb in plugins is here to stay
was committed by wycats
Tuesday Mar 23
- Use latest I18n (0.3.6). http://githu... was committed by José Valim 10:53 PM
- Ensure lib/rails/initializers/*.rb al... was committed by José Valim 10:50 PM
- Protect routes again so they don't en... was committed by wycats 09:09 PM
- Load plugin initializers from lib/rai... was committed by Joshua Peek 08:36 PM
- Explicitly require files before monke... was committed by José Valim 04:48 PM
- updated Rakefile with new app generat... was committed by Sebastian Martinez 04:35 PM
- rake tasks should use the new app gen... was committed by Sebastian Martinez 01:26 PM
- bin/rails should use the new app gene... was committed by José Valim 01:12 PM
- Load generators from both lib/rails/g... was committed by José Valim 12:40 PM
- Put MRI-specific dependencies in an M... was committed by wycats 03:32 AM
- open_session can just return the a du... was committed by wycats 12:14 AM
Merge branch 'master' of gitproxy:rai...
was committed by José Valim
Monday Mar 22
- Rename unsignificant to insignificant... was committed by José Valim 11:26 PM
- Current url helpers become actions in... was committed by José Valim 10:57 PM
- No -rubygems needed was committed by wycats 09:17 PM
- Provide a better error if thor is mis... was committed by wycats 09:09 PM
- NumberHelper methods should now retur... was committed by Bernardo de Pádua 08:19 PM
- Adds number_to_human and several impr... was committed by Bernardo de Pádua 08:19 PM
- Controller generators should use rout... was committed by José Valim 08:07 PM
- Make router shortcuts more polite to ... was committed by José Valim 08:07 PM
- Killing fixtures in mailer before the... was committed by José Valim 08:07 PM
- From and lock should be defined to be... was committed by Emilio Tagua 06:48 PM
- Reset class attribute after changing ... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Remove test ordering bug Don't reuse... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Clear the query cache between tests t... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Remove obsolete use case that was bro... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Don't depend on order of elements in ... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Fix ActionMailer test issues * Don't... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- Remove test ordering bug by using ano... was committed by Evan Phoenix 05:00 PM
- db group makes more sense here http:/... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 05:55 AM
- avoid active_support/core_ext/time/co... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 01:16 AM
- ActionView::SafeBuffer should be ther... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 01:07 AM
- button_to should generate an html_saf... was committed by Bruno Michel 01:07 AM
Also revert mailer generator test cha...
was committed by Jeremy Kemper
Sunday Mar 21
- Fix regression introduced in 8b50f89.... was committed by Jeremy Kemper 11:07 PM
- Remove data-url support from url_help... was committed by Denis Odorcic 06:31 PM
- do not support 'data-url' anymore, ju... was committed by Sebastian Martinez 06:31 PM
- Make ERB generators more flexible and... was committed by José Valim 06:30 PM
Remove invalid builtin tests since we...
was committed by Joshua Peek
Saturday Mar 20
- Autoload Rails::Info was committed by Joshua Peek 07:03 PM
- Require info controller from info rou... was committed by Joshua Peek 06:33 PM
- Move railties/builtin into lib http:/... was committed by Joshua Peek 05:34 PM
- response_body is an Array in 1.9, so ... was committed by wycats 01:56 AM
- Fixed a bunch of tests that failed in... was committed by wycats 01:46 AM
Controller generators should generate...
was committed by Sam Ruby
Friday Mar 19
- Clean up Mime::Type and remove deprec... was committed by José Valim 11:28 PM
- Eliminate an error from an implicit d... was committed by wycats 06:50 PM
- Fix protect_against_forgery http://gi... was committed by Carlhuda 06:11 PM
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