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Tidy up new filter_parameters impleme...
was committed by José Valim
Thursday Jan 21
- Add deprecation warning for calling f... was committed by Prem Sichanugrist 10:41 AM
- Move filter_parameter_logging logic o... was committed by Prem Sichanugrist 09:08 AM
- Adding tests for attachments['blah.rb... was committed by José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar 09:03 AM
- Update vendored i18n gem to 0.3.3 [#3... was committed by Prem Sichanugrist 08:45 AM
- Merge branch 'master' of git://github... was committed by José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar 12:42 AM
Use quoted_table_name with arel.from(...
was committed by Pratik Naik
Wednesday Jan 20
- Cache quoted_table_name http://github... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:58 PM
- Relation#spawn is basically clone + r... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:11 PM
- Always use table.* in the finder quer... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:10 PM
- Add AD::Route#to_s Signed-off-by: Jos... was committed by Sam Ruby 04:56 PM
- Use @limit_value and @offset_value in... was committed by Pratik Naik 04:50 PM
- Move update and update_all to Relatio... was committed by Pratik Naik 04:50 PM
- Only send filtered_env for notificati... was committed by Joshua Peek 04:07 PM
- Request#filter_parameters and filter_... was committed by Joshua Peek 03:55 PM
- Fix AP's AR integration tests warning... was committed by Pratik Naik 03:10 PM
- Base.merge_conditions is no longer ne... was committed by Pratik Naik 03:07 PM
- Expose last controller in rack env["a... was committed by Joshua Peek 03:00 PM
- fixes the failure of config.plugins w... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 02:02 PM
- Move ActionController::Translation to... was committed by José Valim 02:02 PM
- Bring normalize behavior to AbstractC... was committed by José Valim 02:02 PM
- Dont delegate Relation#update to arel... was committed by Pratik Naik 01:31 PM
- Mail method accepting all headers set... was committed by José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar 01:10 PM
- Delegate delete_all to Relation http:... was committed by Pratik Naik 01:03 PM
- Move destroy to Relation http://githu... was committed by Pratik Naik 12:58 PM
- Remove Base.delete as it's same as Re... was committed by Pratik Naik 12:54 PM
- Delegate exists? to Relation http://g... was committed by Pratik Naik 12:47 PM
- Created mail method for new API http:... was committed by José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar 12:46 PM
- Make Relation#destroy_all handle all ... was committed by Pratik Naik 12:42 PM
- Moved old API into deprecated_api.rb ... was committed by José Valim and Mikel Lindsaar 11:26 AM
- Merge branch 'master' of git://github... was committed by Mikel Lindsaar 10:58 AM
- Use unscoped instead of with_exclusiv... was committed by Pratik Naik 10:41 AM
- Move array_of_strings? to Relation ht... was committed by Pratik Naik 08:31 AM
- Remove stale methods constructing joi... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:54 AM
- Stop overriding to retu... was committed by Yehuda Katz 06:35 AM
- Revert streaming params parser suppor... was committed by Joshua Peek 04:56 AM
- Cleanup middleware introspection outp... was committed by Joshua Peek 04:56 AM
- Fixing failing test on sendmail expec... was committed by Mikel Lindsaar 03:12 AM
- Updating gemspec to 2.0.1 for mail ht... was committed by Mikel Lindsaar 03:12 AM
Scope#find is no longer needed now th...
was committed by Pratik Naik
Tuesday Jan 19
- Delegate all finders to Relation http... was committed by Pratik Naik 10:05 PM
- Ignore order for simple calculations ... was committed by Pratik Naik 08:47 PM
- Mail should log when raise_delivery_m... was committed by José Valim 08:34 PM
- Named scopes dont need count() now th... was committed by Pratik Naik 08:05 PM
- with_scope no longer needs :reverse_m... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:59 PM
- Remove find_with_associations and rel... was committed by Pratik Naik 07:50 PM
- Fix bug that causes to_utf_offset_s t... was committed by Prem Sichanugrist 07:35 PM
- Fix bug that causes TimeZone.seconds_... was committed by Prem Sichanugrist 07:31 PM
- Avoid load tasks from plugins recursi... was committed by José Valim 07:07 PM
- Allow railties to specify generators ... was committed by José Valim 06:59 PM
- Remove Relation#where_clause http://g... was committed by Pratik Naik 05:41 PM
- Give preference to to_a over arel fro... was committed by Pratik Naik 05:22 PM
- Rename CalculationMethods to Calculat... was committed by Pratik Naik 04:47 PM
- Move the only remaining calculation m... was committed by Pratik Naik 04:47 PM
- Get rid of RAILS_ROOT deprecation on ... was committed by José Valim 03:13 PM
- Logging thread should not die on logg... was committed by José Valim 03:13 PM
- Get rid of construct_count_options_fr... was committed by Pratik Naik 03:13 PM
- Delegate count to Relation http://git... was committed by Pratik Naik 03:07 PM
- Disable ShowExceptions during integra... was committed by Joshua Peek 03:06 PM
- Move parameters to the top on logging... was committed by José Valim 02:35 PM
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