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Fixed typo in code for Session Expiry...
was committed by Jared Crapo
Sunday Dec 05
- Explain actionamailer authentication ... was committed by Peter Baker 09:39 AM
- Merge branch 'master' of git://github... was committed by Xavier Noria 09:33 AM
- Fix mime type doc typos https://githu... was committed by Carlos Antonio da Silva 12:40 AM
Allow back passing :rescue_format => ...
was committed by Santiago Pastorino
Saturday Dec 04
- Use ||= here was committed by Santiago Pastorino 09:01 PM
- Fix indentation here https://github.c... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 07:50 PM
- attributes_before_type_cast are just ... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 07:49 PM
- Make TranslationHelper#translate use ... was committed by Sven Fuchs 05:00 PM
- bump i18n gem Signed-off-by: José Va... was committed by Sven Fuchs 05:00 PM
- not a responsibility for rails to tes... was committed by Aaron Patterson 12:22 AM
use the columns hash for primary key ...
was committed by Aaron Patterson
Friday Dec 03
- removing unused setup https://github.... was committed by Aaron Patterson 08:00 PM
- in the middle of refactoring https://... was committed by Aaron Patterson 08:00 PM
- Wrap everything in class << self. htt... was committed by José Valim 12:27 PM
- Merge remote branch 'joshk/redirect_r... was committed by José Valim 11:27 AM
remove calls to deprecated methods
was committed by Aaron Patterson
Thursday Dec 02
- avoid deprecate api was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:50 PM
- removing more calls to deprecated met... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:07 PM
- removing more calls to deprecated met... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:07 PM
- removing calls to deprecated methods ... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:07 PM
- refactor `self.class` to a variable h... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:07 PM
- :method: is not needed when RDoc can ... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 10:31 PM
- Base#[] and Base#[]= are aliases so i... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 10:28 PM
- Doesn't need to sort, lets users of a... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 10:28 PM
- avoiding deprecated methods in arel h... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:02 PM
- removing some calls to insert on arel... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:02 PM
- Don't compute this string again https... was committed by Santiago Pastorino 05:43 PM
- made in_clause_length default nil (no... was committed by Alex Rothenberg 04:53 PM
- fixing space errors was committed by Aaron Patterson 04:45 PM
- adding a test for YAML round trip htt... was committed by Aaron Patterson 04:44 PM
- adding a test for YAML round trip htt... was committed by Aaron Patterson 04:44 PM
- fixing space errors was committed by Aaron Patterson 04:41 PM
- Work around a strange piece of Syck b... was committed by Michael Koziarski 04:40 PM
- Work around a strange piece of Syck b... was committed by Michael Koziarski 02:36 AM
- no need for self was committed by Aaron Patterson 02:00 AM
- rolling out migrated_at until I can f... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:08 AM
removing duplicate test
was committed by Aaron Patterson
Wednesday Dec 01
- should not to_s the possibly nil valu... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:14 PM
- make sure we have a value in migrated... was committed by Aaron Patterson 11:07 PM
- not all databases return dates as str... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:59 PM
- avoid deprecated methods https://gith... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:49 PM
- updating CHANGELOG was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:35 PM
- fixing tests and warnings https://git... was committed by Aaron Patterson 10:33 PM
- tests mostly pass adjust to work wit... was committed by Josh Susser 08:01 PM
- clear schema_migrations in Schema.def... was committed by Josh Susser 07:01 PM
- name in schema_migrations, migrations... was committed by Josh Susser 06:57 PM
- record migration timestamp when migra... was committed by Josh Susser 06:46 PM
- Add migrated_at column to schema_migr... was committed by Josh Susser 06:46 PM
- ActiveModel::Errors.to_hash returns p... was committed by Thilo Utke 11:03 AM
- Let Rack::Utils.set_cookie_header! cr... was committed by Pascal Friederich 10:58 AM
- Revert "Fix AbstractStore so that it ... was committed by José Valim 10:48 AM
- ActiveModel::Errors.to_hash returns p... was committed by Thilo Utke 10:43 AM
- Revert "Fix generation of wrong json ... was committed by José Valim 10:42 AM
- Deprecate handler_class_for_extension... was committed by José Valim 10:22 AM
- just use alias was committed by Aaron Patterson 04:04 AM
- fix warnings, stop using global varia... was committed by Aaron Patterson 02:46 AM
- JoinBase initialize can be deleted ht... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:48 AM
- stop using splat args when we do not ... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:42 AM
- just grep the AST for OuterJoin nodes... was committed by Aaron Patterson 01:29 AM
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