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Ruby on Rails: 3.0.6
Yehuda Katz (wycats)'s assigned tickets 13 tickets open
- #4554 render :text => proc { ... } regression no tags open
- #4858 [PATCH] ActionMailer is html escaping plain text messages actionview escaping formats html_safe safe_buffer xss open
- #5247 [PATCH] assert_template wrong behavior for testing layout used to render template? no tags open
- #4091 ActiveRecord::SessionStore allows blank session_id no tags incomplete
- #5472 Potentially resolved… Callback API change breaks #run_callbacks no tags open
- #3254 Merge Dispatcher and Middleware in Application object no tags new
- #4113 Rails 3 - Windows Vista x64 - Error "different prefix:" - Two Hard Drives no tags new
- #5006 ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x no tags open
- #4781 rjs function tests fail no tags open
- #3927 Rails 3.0.0-pre - stylesheet_link_tag, javascript_include_tag cache fails when using File.atomic_write: Invalid cross-device link no tags open
- #2872 sqlite3 adapter drops :decimal columns precision & scale when migration tries to alter them no tags incomplete
- #3132 simple "rack test" fails 3.0 configuration patch rake test incomplete
- #2379 [PATCH] Make path to tmp directory configurable configuration patch new
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<h2 style="font-size: 14px">Tickets have moved to Github</h2>
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Responsible for this Milestone
- Aaron Patterson tenderlovemaker 0
- Andrew White Technical Director 3
- Geoff Buesing 1
- Jeremy Kemper 5
- josh Programmer 1
- José Valim Developer 2
- Michael Koziarski Coder Guy 4
- Pratik Rails Hippy 2
- Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) 0
- Rizwan Reza 1
- Rohit Arondekar 1
- Ryan Bigg Lord of Programming 1
- Santiago Pastorino Software Engineer 2
- Xavier Noria 1
- Yehuda Katz (wycats) 13
- Unassigned Unassigned tickets 5