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Add singular version of named_scope that returns first object
Reported by Chris O'Sullivan | November 21st, 2008 @ 05:24 PM | in 2.x
So, I find myself creating a bunch of named_scopes designed to return only one object, like this:
class Book
named_scope :most_recently_read, :order => "last_read desc", :limit => 1
Which means I have to chain .first to get what I want like this:
Which just feels plain wrong!
My proposition is adding some way of creating a named_scope that is designed to return only one object.
I've attached two patches (with docs and tests) for this. The first one (add_first_to_named_scope.patch) adds a first option to named_scope, so it looks like this:
named_scope :most_recently_read, :first => true, :order => "last_read desc", :limit => 1
But I think the :first => true format looks pretty ugly.
My second patch (add_singular_named_scope.patch) proposition is to add a new method singular_named_scope. You would define your singular scopes thusly:
singular_named_scope :most_recently_read, :order => "last_read desc", :limit => 1
But..I'm open to suggestions!
Comments and changes to this ticket
Chris O'Sullivan November 21st, 2008 @ 05:25 PM
(The second patch file for the singular_named_scope method)
Ryan Bates November 21st, 2008 @ 07:25 PM
Sorry, perhaps I'm missing something. Is there a reason you don't like doing this?
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :most_recently_read, :order => "last_read desc" end Book.recently_read.first
To me this is much more useful and flexible. If you need to list multiple recently read books no need to add a second named scope. And this is chainable with other named scopes. If you have a singular named scope you couldn't chain others after it:
Book.recently_read.favorites.first Book.most_recently_read.favorites # wouldn't work
Of course you can always chain the singular one at the end, but in general that seems to go against the grain of named scopes to me.
Ryan Bates November 21st, 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Oops, the first code snippet should be:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base named_scope :recently_read, :order => "last_read desc" end Book.recently_read.first
Chris O'Sullivan November 23rd, 2008 @ 09:22 PM
I think it IS in the spirit to want to return one object from a named_scope. After all, .first and .last return only one object (although I guess they're not 'technically' named_scopes.) This patch would allow developers to create named_scopes like oldest or largest - (or if you're so inclined second through forty_second).
With traditional ActiveRecord finders we don't have to write code like:
Book.find(:all, :order => "last_read desc").first
So why should named_scopes be any different?
I also prefer the readability of something like:
rather than
And there's no reason I can't have both scopes, one to define the last book that was read, and one to define a list of books ordered by 'most recently read'.
But, of course there's also nothing to stop me defining a class method like:
def self.last_read self.recently_read.first end
Chris Kilmer February 19th, 2009 @ 05:28 PM
To continue the conversation a little bit. We are currently looking at this exact problem. We want a particular model to return a default. The model can have one and only one model.
We currently have:
(where Device.default is a named_scope)
First seems redundant. Default should imply 1.
MatthewRudy February 25th, 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I dont mind having some sort of declaration like this.
But it isn't a "named_scope" by any means
Book.most_recently_read.count => Exception, Book.most_recently_read.in_stock => Exception,
It doesn't scope anything. It doesnt even use the named scope.
If I were implementing it I'd called it "named_finder"
named_finder :most_recently_read, :first, :order => "last_read desc"
named_scope :recently_read, :order => "last_read DESC" do named_finder :most_recently_read, :first end
It feels like an abuse of the name and the code with the patches submitted so far.
MatthewRudy February 25th, 2009 @ 03:52 PM
def named_finder(name, *find_args) (class << self; self end).instance_eval do define_method name do self.find(*find_args) end end end
and it actually seems to work
>> class User >> named_finder :first_matthew, :first, :conditions => {:firstname => "Matthew"} >> end => #<Proc:0x03eed6f0@(irb):4> >> User.first_matthew => #<User id: 633, a_whole_load_of_stuff: "redacted", html_email: true>
Pratik March 9th, 2009 @ 01:33 PM
- Assigned user set to Pratik
- Tag changed from named_scope to named_scope, patch
- State changed from new to invalid
- Title changed from [PATCH] Add singular version of named_scope that returns first object to Add singular version of named_scope that returns first object
I don't think named_scopes should be returning a single object. It's scoping, not a finder.
But please do discuss in the mailing list if you guys think it's worth it.
Timothy Jones February 10th, 2010 @ 05:34 PM
Anyone care to create a plugin/gem for this, since many of us think it a good idea but it didn't meet Pratik's personal taste?
Jeremy Kemper February 10th, 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Let's see a wider body of examples of where you'd use a singular finder+scope.
Every one I've seen (or thought of) is something like latest: latest version, latest comment, etc. Order + find first.
Timothy Jones February 10th, 2010 @ 06:49 PM
Sometimes the result set contains exactly one (or at most one) record, or I just one one random record and really don't care which it is, so order isn't necessary.
For example, in a geographic database containing US cities and states I have a named_scope "Location.city_in_state(city_name, state_abbreviation)". Having to suffix that with ".first" everyplace it's used throughout the application isn't very DRY, is it?
Basically, named_scope() should have a :first mode for the same reason that find() has a :first mode.
DHH February 10th, 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Tim, why not do Location.find_by_city_and_state(city_name, state_abbreviation) in that case?
Timothy Jones February 10th, 2010 @ 07:54 PM
In this case my query is more complicated than the attribute-based finders support AFAIK (specifically it requires a join).
Timothy Jones February 10th, 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Ok, I take that back, now realizing that attribute-based finders do accept general find() options. But the whole point of named_scopes is syntactic sugar, right?
My Location model is generic, so locations have a name, type, and potentially multiple parents. In the US, cities' parents are counties, then states. In Canada, cities are parented directly by states. Here's my (admittedly gnarly) named_scope:
:city_in_state, lambda do |c,s| { :select => "locations.*", :joins => "JOIN locations_parents AS l_p ON = l_p.location_id LEFT JOIN locations AS counties ON l_p.parent_id = AND counties.location_type_id = #{LocationType.find_by_name('county').id} LEFT JOIN locations_parents AS c_p ON = c_p.location_id JOIN locations AS states ON (c_p.parent_id = OR l_p.parent_id = AND states.location_type_id = #{LocationType.find_by_name('state').id}", :conditions => ["locations.location_type_id = ? AND = ? AND ( = ? OR states.abbreviation = ?)", LocationType.find_by_name("city").id, c, s, s] } end
If you can show me how to write that with current finders in a way that's not drastically uglier than:
city = Location.city_in_state(city_name, state_name)
then I'll shut up :-).
Lachlan Sylvester February 11th, 2010 @ 10:43 AM
Tim, why not define a scope to find cities within a state, then you can use find_by_name to get the city.
city = Location.cities_in_state(state_name).find_by_name(city)
Timothy Jones February 11th, 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Yes, that would work and is not drastically uglier than what I proposed.
Ryan Bigg October 9th, 2010 @ 10:03 PM
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