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#1921 ✓committed

Plugin Loader lists all plugins as missing when only one is missing

Reported by Oshoma | February 9th, 2009 @ 04:07 PM | in 2.x

The plugin loader raises a LoadError exception when a plugin requested in configuration.plugins cannot be loaded. This exception message currently lists all requested plugins, rather than just the subset of plugins which weren't loaded successfully.

Impact: the message is misleading. You know something didn't load, but you can't be sure what exactly went wrong.

Repro: delete a plugin directory from a Rails app that has several plugins. Then start the console or server and you'll get an error message like this: "Could not locate the following plugins: stubby, acts_as_chunky_bacon, non_existant_plugin1, and non_existant_plugin2". The message lists all plugins in the configuration.plugin statement, regardless of which ones were successfully loaded.

Versions: Rails 2.3.0 (same issue in 2.2.2) ruby 1.8.6 (2008-03-03 patchlevel 114) [universal-darwin9.0] psql (PostgreSQL) 8.3.5

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