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#402 ✓wontfix
José Valim

request_forgery_protection_token should be set at ActionController::Base load time

Reported by José Valim | June 12th, 2008 @ 01:14 PM

This is a small-tiny-patch but important one.

I have one controller, that logs-in users:

  class UsersController < ActionController::Base
    protect_from_forgery :only => :login

    def login

And I have another one, that shows my homepage:

  class ContentController < ActionController::Base
    def index

What happens is that my homepage has a form to login users quickly, but since request_forgery_protection_token is nil when my app loads, protect_against_forgery? returns false and the form doesn't have a authenticity_token field.

So, when the user fill the form, it will be sent to UsersController#login, that will call protect_from_forgery that will finally set request_forgery_protection_token.

But since no token was sent, it will raise a InvalidAutenticityToken error.

To fix this, we just have to set on ActionController::Base:

  @@request_forgery_protection_token = :authenticity_token

And while it's not released, I recommend to put the line above in your ApplicationController.

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • Joe Noon

    Joe Noon June 13th, 2008 @ 12:46 AM

    protect_from_forgery needs to be on the initiating page and the receiving page.

    The error you are getting seems to be correct/desired to me, because you are not sending the token from your homepage.

  • José Valim

    José Valim June 13th, 2008 @ 01:03 AM

    Your point of view is also interesting, but this is not what happens either.

    When the request is sent to the UsersController, the request_forgery_protection_token is set, so the next attempts to login from the homepage WILL WORK, even with not requiring proctect_from_forgery in my controller.

    The problem is that this is a very specific behaviour. Every time you start your server, only the first attemp to login from the homepage will fail, because in all other attempts, the authenticy_token will be correctly create since request_forgery_protection_token was set.

    The actual implementation is just between what you said and what I'm saying.

    I would recommend you to try this "bug" yourself. Try to "cross post" between your controllers using protect_from_forgery only in the receiver. The error will happen only on the first attempt.

  • Hugo Barauna

    Hugo Barauna June 29th, 2008 @ 07:45 PM

    • Tag set to actionpack, bug, patch, request-forgery-protection

    This is a nice patch! So, I would like to know when it will be accepted.

  • Pratik

    Pratik July 4th, 2008 @ 02:09 AM

    • State changed from “new” to “wontfix”
    • Assigned user set to “Pratik”

    This will cause protect_against_forgery? to always return true, which is not desired.

    Simple fix for your problem would be :

    • Preload UserController
    • Include form_authenticity_token value manually in your form.


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