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Improved support for model namespaces (fixtures, generators, table naming)
Reported by Harri Kauhanen | June 18th, 2008 @ 04:09 PM | in 2.x
Rails 2.1 already has quite good support for namespaced models, and Edge Rails seems to fix some bugs left. In practice, however, there are still some issues left.
I really wanted to get namespaces and models work nicely. So here's a patch that changes one convention and improves Rails support for namespaced models. I never done such thingie before, so pardon any mistakes I made, but I surely found this screencast very useful. The patch is against the latest development trunk (18th June 2008).
The convention for database table names of namespaced models currently is:
module Animal; class Lion < ActiveRecord::Base; end; end;
Animal::Lion # ( database name --> ) lions
I changed this to:
Animal::Lion # --> animal_lions
This, however, overlaps with the convention of nested classes:
class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base; class Lion < ActiveRecord::Base; end; end;
Animal::Lion # --> animal_lions
In practice, this is not such a big problem, because we now at least "bigger" namespace we can use, and I guess you will have problems anyways if you have a module and class with exactly same name in your Ruby code. I also tried convention of using two ugly underscores (e.g. animal__lions) and also tried to stick with the old convention. After all the experimenting, the convention I chose seemed to work best. The greatest benefit, of course, is that we really get bigger namespace for our models. It also improves how we can handle fixtures.
Perhaps the correct solution would be to provide this new table naming convention as configurable option?
I did quite a lot of manual testing using various associations. I also tried STI and polymorphic inheritance. They seemed to work well. has_many :through had problems, but it probably is an another problem (ticket #323 may contain a patch).
Next, I needed to check out the ActiveRecord tests pass. Well, they did not, because I changed the database table naming convention. Not many changes though, but one line did not please my very much:
assert_equal 'my_application_business_company_my_application_business_client_contacts', MyApplication::Business::Client::Contact.table_name, 'table_name for ActiveRecord model enclosed by another ActiveRecord model'
MyApplication::Business::Client::Contact is inner class of MyApplication::Business::Company, so according the new rules, it is correct, but err... ugly. The positive aspect is that it gave as unlikely conflicting table name and probably it does not happen too often.
ActiveRecord tests depend of fixtures, and of course, they weren't working after the changes made. I really wanted fixtures to work so that I can organize fixtures just like I would organize my model files. For instance: 'animal' folder would contain 'lions.yml' for fixtures. The final solution, while being somewhat hackish, would find lion fixtures both under animal/lions.yml or animal_lions.yml. First one will keep you more organized and the latter one is consistent with the database table names.
Ok, all the existing tests pass and cannot find anything major by testing with Rails code and console. But what about generators? We use them every day and without working generators we don't really have working namespaces. These generator should now work fine by supporting namespaces:
- model
- resource
- scaffold
For instance scaffolding an Animal::Lion should generate fully working controllers, views, routing, fixtures and test cases. The trickiest part was to improve routing, but now routes to namespaced resources should be namespaced as well. For instance:
map.namespace :animal do |animal|
animal.resources :lions
I am still very much novice with my Rails abilities, and my code may still look more like Java than Ruby. Don't let this you down. Instead, please help me by testing the patch and by:
- improving the code
- writing some proper unit tests
- check out if I have done something really stupid (yes, it's possible, see the comments in the patch)
- giving those +1's :-)
- tell me what should I do next
Comments and changes to this ticket
acechase June 19th, 2008 @ 02:22 AM
Hallelujah, how have we gone this long without model namespacing?!?!
The big problem I see with your current approach is that it only works in one direction, from class name to table name.
"Animal::Lion".tableize # --> animal_lions
"animal_lions".classify # --> AnimalLion
Until both directions work, I don't think module namespacing will be all that useful. It seems like we need some type of indicator to allow for translation in the other direction. Like you, I considered using a double underscore, but because that would require changes to Inflector#classify I opted instead for a double colon in my actual table name. Colon is a legal character in MySQL but I'm not sure about other dbs.
Harri Kauhanen August 27th, 2008 @ 10:31 AM
- Tag set to activerecord, enhancement, fixtures, generators, patch, railties, routing
Some blog post related to this issue:
Pratik August 30th, 2008 @ 06:08 PM
- Assigned user set to Michael Koziarski
Michael Koziarski August 30th, 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I'd like to focus on these as two seperate issues, and only talk about the AR table naming stuff to start with.
The reason we had differing behaviour for nested classes and modules was for backwards compatibility, so the table name doesn't change when you upgrade rails. However that doesn't need to hold us back from making the change.
I can't follow your rationale of nesting in the table names:
my_application_business_company_contacts MyApplication::Business::Client::Contact.table_name
That seems far too verbose ;) Why not:
Michael Koziarski August 30th, 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Obviously I messed up the cut-n-paste. But the verbose version is:
Jeremy Kemper August 30th, 2008 @ 08:42 PM
- Milestone set to 2.x
- State changed from new to open
Harri Kauhanen September 2nd, 2008 @ 08:58 PM
is too verbose, indeed. I did not like this either, but did not fix it. This verbose naming seems to occur (when using inner nested classes!) because I just changed the methodundecorated_table_name
, and perhaps for inner classes the table name is "joined" by calling undecorated_table_name multiple times.By inner class nesting I mean how MyApplication::Business::Client::Contact is actually defined in rails/activerecord/test/models/company_in_module.rb
module MyApplication module Business class Company < ActiveRecord::Base attr_protected :rating end # ... class Client < Company belongs_to :firm, :foreign_key => "client_of" belongs_to :firm_with_other_name, :class_name => "Firm", :foreign_key => "client_of" class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base; end end # ... end end
In my app, I did not have such complex nesting, just additional namespaces, therefore the table naming convention was nice and not too verbose.
Michael Koziarski September 3rd, 2008 @ 09:00 AM
But what do you think the 'correct' table name should be?
Seems to me the choices are:
account_payment_invoices or accounts_payments_invoices
Harri Kauhanen September 3rd, 2008 @ 12:44 PM
I see no reasons why namespaces should always be pluralized. Therefore I would go with the convention
. If, however, namespace is plural (e.g. module Animals), then it should be kept pluralized. For instance:animals_cats
. -
Michael Koziarski September 3rd, 2008 @ 02:14 PM
OK, We're about to push out 2.2 betas, so we won't be able to get this in before then, but we'll look at it after that.
In the meantime maybe you should talk with a few people who use or want heavily nested models, and see what they think the table names should be.
acechase, do you have any thoughts?
acechase September 3rd, 2008 @ 06:50 PM
I agree with Harri, I can't think of any good reason to add pluralization to the module names (especially since it would confuse things if you were starting with a module name that was already plural, like 'Animals').
The one sticking point I would like to come back to is the inability to work backwards from table name to class name without some distinct differentiator to make clear the boundary between one module/class name and the next. It seems that the easiest way to get around this is to use a double underscore to separate distinct names from one another and to update Inflector.classify to support this.
It seems that the one argument against double underscore is they lead to ugly table names. While not having double underscores (or some other differentiator) in the table name means there's absolutely no way to translate from table name to class name, thus taking away a very useful metaprogramming technique. In my mind, the answer is quite simple. Aesthetics are great, but when given the choice, I'll opt for correct functionality every time ;-)
Jeremy Kemper September 3rd, 2008 @ 11:05 PM
Agreed, acechase. As long as we introduce a convention for this, it should actually work both ways.
How about a different delimiter character entirely?
acechase September 4th, 2008 @ 01:27 AM
Jeremy, do you have any other delimiters in mind? I had previously suggested we use '::' -- I know that's legal in MySQL, but I don't know how that flies with other dbs. Also, it may be nice to use a delimiter that doesn't force the table name to be quoted (not that that's an issue with AR). In MySQL I think that narrows it down to either underscore or question mark. Trying to be db agnostic, I took a look around the SLQ92 spec and reading that it looked like latin characters and underscore are the characters the spec specifically defines as legal, but my BNF reading skills are at about a first grade level so I may have misunderstood.
Personally, I'm somewhat indifferent, so long as we can agree on some identifier and stick with it.
Michael Koziarski September 4th, 2008 @ 12:57 PM
I think underscores are pretty much the only option. That won't allow for perfect roundtripping from class -> table, but I don't think that's going to be a real problem in actual applications. I don't really think it's likely that someone will have
In the same app.
Harri Kauhanen September 4th, 2008 @ 03:41 PM
Don't we have a problem already to resolve the class name from table name? I mean...
# table name animals_cats could be... class AnimalsCat < ActiveRecord::Base # ... end # or table animals_cats could as well be... class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base class Cat < ActiveRecord::Base # ... end end
Using colons '::' might not be working solution. MySQL table names must be allowed filenames, and colon is not allowed in Windows filesystems (I did not test it).
Using colons '::' or slash '/' would be the prettiest solution, but I'm also afraid we are stuck using underscores. I don't have very strong opinions should the namespace separator be '_' or '__'. I ended up using a single underscore mainly because I could not get double underscore (easily) working (I just don't understand the Rails internals enough). Single underscore looks better, but double underscore perhaps tells you more.
Jeremy Kemper September 4th, 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Harri, the second case is animal_cats.
I guess I'd go for double underscore, then -- it seems worth being able to predictably do table_name.classify.constantize (fixtures, for example)
Michael Koziarski September 4th, 2008 @ 04:07 PM
Yeah, the roundtripping is already broken, but acechase mentioned it as an important feature.
I'm personally not worried about it, so perhaps it's a non-issue.
I like the idea of having modules not be pluralized but keeping the nested classes behaving like they do at present.
After 2.2 we'll pick this discussion up again, but in the meantime you can probably get the patch split up into two chunks. AR fixes, and the rest. Then get the AR fixes working correctly
CJV September 4th, 2008 @ 08:50 PM
Michael says "Yeah, the roundtripping is already broken, but acechase mentioned it as an important feature. I'm personally not worried about it, so perhaps it's a non-issue."
This is a little like saying "the brakes on all Ford vehicles are defective, but I don't drive a Ford so perhaps it's a non-issue". Simply because you or some subset of the population aren't affected doesn't mean it doesn't affect the rest of us, with potentially hazardous results.
Yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic, but the point is that if something is broken, don't use that as justification to break it further, without a really good reason.
To be fair, you're not always going to make everyone happy, and some things will change over time and break old apps. But these types of changes should not be done lightly, or without proper advertising of that fact. If the current system has shortcomings or known use cases where it does not work as expected, then this should be documented as well.
acechase September 4th, 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I went ahead and implemented the double underscore differentiator in Inflector to see what kind of ramifications it would have. By changing the Inflector#underscore method to gsub '::' with '' (instead of '/') and changing Inflector#camelize to gsub '' rather than '/' we get the desired roundtrip behavior:
>> module TestModule ; class Test ; class NestedTest ; end ; end ; end >> => "test_module__test__nested_tests" >> => "TestModule::Test::NestedTest"
Of course, changing the #camelize and #underscore methods will break code relying on the old behavior. IMO, camelize and underscore should just be camelizing and underscoring, the fact they currently deal with slashes as well is a bad idea since that is beyond the scope of those methods responsibilities. Ideally, that logic that adds in slashes would live in a #pathify method. But for the purposes of the here and now, we can keep all of the necessary changes consolidated to just the #classify and #tableize methods, like so:
class Inflector ... def tableize(class_name) pluralize(underscore(class_name)).gsub(/\//, '__') end def classify(table_name) camelize(singularize(table_name.to_s.sub(/.*\./, '')).gsub(/__/, '/')) end
Sorry for belaboring this point... I hope I'm not frustrating anyone too much with my excessive anal-ness ;)
Harri Kauhanen September 4th, 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I understand the concern of CJV. If this change is made so that the table name convention is configurable, and the initial configuration keeps the naming "the old way", there should not be a big hassle.
I still believe this "new convention" should be default in some point. It could, for instance, ease the existing problems of many plugins and namespace conflicts.
matthuhiggins September 8th, 2008 @ 05:33 AM
I don't see reason for using double underscores to disambiguate modules from class names. There is no need to go from table name -> class.
Currently, Inflector.tableize does not consider the 'ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names' option, so ActiveRecord cannot even use it. Trying to modify or fix tableize might be out of the scope of this patch. (On a grander scale, I think adding tableize to Inflectors was silly in the first place)
ActiveRecord::Base.demodulize_table_names seems most consistent naming with the existing 'pluralize_table_names' option.
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:51 PM
Ok, I did some rework with the patch and sliced it into pieces.
The first patch just updates the active_record so that table names for namespaced models are (can be) in format
. Namespaces (modules) are used in database table name, and separated with two underscore characters.This is configurable using parameter
. For initial backward compatibility, this is by default set to false.Note!
method is broken with nested classes, and probably impossible to fix. However, it should now work fine with the namespaced model and new tablename convention.Note! I did not touch the
class. The active_record code was not using it either, and there was quite strong statement written by Rails core team in the file header ofinflector.rb
not to patch it. -
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:52 PM
The next patch has nothing to do with the database naming convention. It should, however, fix some issues with namespaced models, and relations such as "has_many" and "belongs_to". Without this patch, your namespaced models might seem to work fine at first, but you will run into errors in certain cases. For instance:
class Animal::Dog < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bugs end class Animal::Bug < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :dog end
Now you may e.g. execute
and it works. If you reload the console and
will also work. If, however, you execute these sequentially WITHOUT reloading the console, you will get an error such as "Bug is not missing constant Dog!"I have no idea, whether my fix is 'correct', and why it works. However, it fixed the problem and seemed not break Rails tests.
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:53 PM
This patch just ads a simple test case for the improved naming convention. I admit, we should perhaps more tests (e.g. testing the "has_many" and other relations with namespaced models).
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I believe this new convention should be default in some point of time. I found this "new_rails_defaults" initializer, and thought it probably should be here. If I was right, here's the patch.
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:54 PM
This patch makes the fixtures for namespaced models work. If you have e.g. class
, the fixture file should be eitheranimal__monkey.yml
UNDER THE FOLDER calledanimal
. The first option resembles the database names used and second keeps you more organized (probably the better choice).I had to write couple of additional methods to magic happen. Hopefully someone has time to go through the code. All the active_record tests seemed to work fine with mysql.
I also fixed the rake task
to support namespaced models. -
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:55 PM
This is a rather bigger patch. It makes Rails generator generate working code with namespaced model. For instance, if you run
script/generate scaffold Animal::Monkey::Ape name:string age:integer
, you should get- migration file that uses new naming convention (tablename --> animalmonkeyapes)
- fixtures: animal/monkey/apes.yml
- working functional (and unit) tests
- namespaced routes into route.rb
- working web interface you can access at: http://localhost:3000/animal/mon...
Note! This patch is not checking whether
is turned on or offAgain, there are some code changes that might be questionable... or not :) Just check out the comments in the code, before committing.
How model associations work with namespaced models? See the code below:
class Animal::Bug < ActiveRecord::Base # This one uses Animal::Dog belongs_to :dog end class Animal::Dog < ActiveRecord::Base # This one uses Animal::Bug has_many :bugs # If not found in the same module, will look it from "root" namespace automatically belongs_to :person end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # Dog class not found if class name (wtih namespace) not defined has_many :dogs, :class_name => "Animal::Dog" end
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 03:55 PM
This patch contains all the previous patches (except the improve_model_namespace_support.diff which is now obsolete).
While doing this patch, I noticed that Rails is not very DRY about finding out the correct name for database table/class/etc. Perhaps there should be a centralized piece of logic handling all this stuff (just my 5 cents here). It was quite fun to have a peek into Rails codebase. Hopefully, improved namespace support will end up there as well :-)
Harri Kauhanen September 10th, 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Uups.. wiki formatting ate my double underscores. animalmonkeyapes should be animal(double-underscore)monkey(double-underscore)apes .
Pratik December 20th, 2008 @ 07:55 PM
- State changed from open to incomplete
Harri Kauhanen December 21st, 2008 @ 09:41 AM
My personal project no longer needs this. Therefore (and unfortunatelly), I do not have interest enough to go through the fixing process again.
I'm really happy to see Rails is maturing and have gone such a great improvements lately directly benefitting my work (e.g. thread safety). Namespaced models would be quite natural improvement -- perhaps not a major feature for the most of us, but something that should IMHO work out of the box. Perhaps one day they do ;)
wildchild January 13th, 2010 @ 11:25 AM
Would be awesome to have such feature in rails 3 out of the box.
José Valim February 21st, 2010 @ 07:37 PM
- State changed from incomplete to stale
I'm marking this as stale. This would be a great feature, but we need someone to actually work on it. If someone has a patch, I'm glad to review and apply.
Andrew White February 22nd, 2010 @ 03:17 AM
José, I still think having some degree of control over the table namespace would be a good idea, however I think blindly adding in the parent module names isn't the way to go. The main need for something like this is to avoid collisions with the host application when writing engines/plugins and a simple prefix is probably all that is needed.
Therefore what I'm proposing is that we enhance the current table_name_prefix which is global to first check whether a parent module responds to table_name_prefix and then use that instead of the global setting. This has the benefit of not breaking backward compatibility and is a lot simpler than the proposed patch in this ticket. I could knock together a patch within 24/48 hours if the idea is acceptable.
José Valim February 22nd, 2010 @ 06:51 AM
Sure, put up a patch and feel free to create a new ticket and assign it to me.
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