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The ":all" Domain Option For The Cookie Session Store Doesn't Allow Non-Standard TLD's Like ".local" or ""
Reported by Bryce Thornton | July 19th, 2010 @ 12:38 AM
I was trying to use the ":all" option for cookie_store domains
and kept getting ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
exceptions when posting from forms.
config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_mydevelopmentsite_session', :domain => :all
I found out that my local URL scheme was preventing the session from being created, causing this issue. The way the it works is very specific to actual TLD's and does not play nicely with domains like "mydevelopmentsite.local". Also, it currently doesn't handle domains like "" or "".
I'm about to attach a patch that will resolve this issue. The patch will allow for any TLD, including those formatted like ".local", "" and "".
Comments and changes to this ticket
Bryce Thornton July 19th, 2010 @ 12:48 AM
- Tag changed from 3.x cookie_store to 3.x, cookie_store, patch
Here's the patch.
Mislav July 19th, 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Since when is this broken? I have some apps on Rails 3 in development using ".local" and I didn't notice session problems. I have cookie-based sessions, all default params.
I've taken a look at the patch and the new regex doesn't seem much better than the old one. What problem are we solving here exactly? Is splitting a hostname into subdomains/domain/TLD really possible, even with regexes?
Consider a host like "". Can anyone tell me (without looking at Wikipedia) is "mislav" a subdomain or a domain under the "" TLD?
Bryce Thornton July 19th, 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Are you sure you're using the ":domain => :all" parameter? The problem only happens when using that option. By default, the rails3 session_store.rb initializer does not use that option. Here's the ticket where this option originated:
No, I don't think it's fully possible to make this work for 100% of cases. No matter what technique is used, there are still going to be some edge cases. The current solution does not work for domains like ".local" or "", so that is the benefit of my patch.
The tests included in the patch demonstrate the issue. If you run them with the current solution you'll see that they don't handle these TLDs correctly.
So, my patch is very liberal in guessing the TLD. Anything after the final period is assumed to be the TLD unless the host ends with a .. or .*. style string. I feel like this will catch the majority of cases. The main ones it will fail on are hosts that have a two character country code and a 2-3 character domain. For example, "" would create the cookie for "" instead of "".
BTW, here's the case I'm using this option for: I'm building a site that creates subdomain URL's for each account. Normally, I could just pass ":domain => ''" and be done. The cookie would work for all subdomains. The problem is that each account has the option to set a custom URL using their own domain name. In that case, the cookie would not work since it would be for the wrong domain. So, I'm using the ":domain => :all" option to work in both of these cases. It's a great option.
Doug Mayer August 2nd, 2010 @ 07:03 PM
I'm getting this same problem. In Rails 3.0.0.rc, when I set :domain => :all, I get an InvalidAuthenticityToken when trying to post to any form at or Setting :domain => "" works, but there is clearly something wrong with the #4818 patch in that it ignores auth token stuff like this.
Bryce Thornton August 2nd, 2010 @ 07:56 PM
I'm still having the problem as well. The patch from #4818 doesn't ignore the auth token logic, it simply can't figure out the domain for the cookie to use. Thus, it tries to create a cookie without a domain and that fails. The auth token code it's trying to check against is stored in the session, which relies on the cookie that isn't there.
My patch fixes this issue. Hopefully they apply it or something similar soon.
José Valim August 14th, 2010 @ 11:07 AM
- Importance changed from to Low
The patch looks great. The only issue I saw is that you changed an existing test while you should only add new ones. Could you please provide a new patch? Thanks!
José Valim August 14th, 2010 @ 12:07 PM
- Assigned user set to José Valim
Bryce Thornton August 14th, 2010 @ 06:44 PM
Thanks for the feedback José. I'm attaching a revised patch. Thanks!
Bryce Thornton August 14th, 2010 @ 08:17 PM
I found another issue with the way this feature handles the cookie domain. It would include the port # in the cookie domain, causing the cookie to not be created. I'm attaching a revised patch that also fixes this issue.
Here's a cookie domain that would have been created before:
Now, it will correctly be created as ".mysite.local".
The fix was to pull the host from "" instead of "request.env["HTTP_HOST"]".
Bryce Thornton August 14th, 2010 @ 08:36 PM
Small tweak to last patch to add the "Resolved" line to the commit message.
Repository August 15th, 2010 @ 08:50 PM
- State changed from new to resolved
(from [fd78bb727045547371179428886c9b262d66091d]) Allow for any possible TLD when using the :all option with the cookie session store. This works for subdomain.mysite.local,,, etc. [#5147 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
Repository August 15th, 2010 @ 08:55 PM
(from [1091a6e9b700bd713c8a6818761a27aa72b1fe93]) Allow for any possible TLD when using the :all option with the cookie session store. This works for subdomain.mysite.local,,, etc. [#5147 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: José Valim
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5147 The ":all" Domain Option For The Cookie Session Store Doesn't Allow Non-Standard TLD's Like ".local" or "" (from [fd78bb727045547371179428886c9b262d66091d]) Allow f...
5147 The ":all" Domain Option For The Cookie Session Store Doesn't Allow Non-Standard TLD's Like ".local" or "" (from [1091a6e9b700bd713c8a6818761a27aa72b1fe93]) Allow f...