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render_other_test fails when wrapped in respond_to
Reported by amkirwan | November 24th, 2010 @ 06:05 PM
I am having trouble adding a new renderer to Rails 3.0.3 and when looking at the tests I find that render_simon_says in render_other_test.rb works as. However when the same test is wrapped in a respond_to the tests fail.
1) Failure:
test_using_custom_render_option(RenderOtherTest) [test/controller/render_other_test.rb:272]:
<"Simon says: foo"> expected but was
<" ">.
ActionController.add_renderer :simon do |says, options|
self.content_type = Mime::TEXT
self.response_body = "Simon says: #{says}"
def render_simon_says
respond_to do |format|
format.simon { render :simon => "foo" }
def test_using_custom_render_option
Mime::Type.register 'application/simon', :simon
get :render_simon_says
assert_equal "Simon says: foo", @response.body
Comments and changes to this ticket
Neeraj Singh November 24th, 2010 @ 08:45 PM
- Importance changed from to Low
Renderers are procs which tell for which key what proc to use to render the result.
When you wrap your code in respond_to then formats need to be matched. Since there is no format called :simon your test fails. In order to make the test pass you need to use something like Mime::Type.register "text/simon", :simon . I have not tested my code but you need to register format :simon in order for your code to work .
Hope that helps.
amkirwan November 25th, 2010 @ 03:02 AM
I could be missing something about the way this should work in Rails 3 but in my test_using_custom_reneder_option in the code above I have a Mime::Type.register but the code does not work. I mistakenly put Mime::Type.register 'application/simon', :simon in the code above but it also fails when using Mime::Type.register 'text/simon', :simon. If the MIME type isn't registered then the test will error with:
1) Error: test_using_custom_render_option(RenderOtherTest): NameError: uninitialized constant Mime::SIMON
but if the MIME type :simon is registered like in my code in the original post then the test fails:
1) Failure: test_using_custom_render_option(RenderOtherTest) [test/controller/render_other_test.rb:273]: <"Simon says: foo"> expected but was <" ">.
It seems as though for a custom MIME type when put within a respond_to then the block associated with the custom render is never called.
ActionController.add_renderer :simon do |says, options| self.content_type = Mime::TEXT self.response_body = "Simon says: #{says}" end
I've been stepping through the render code to see if I can find where the problem is. I've gotten to the point where I see that calling format.simon will create a new instance method simon in the class ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector using method_missing of the AbstractController::Collector module. It seems as though the &block of this method is never called which is why the custom render doesn't work in respond_to.
Neeraj Singh December 1st, 2010 @ 05:35 AM
- State changed from new to resolved
In order to make the test pass this is what you need to do
def test_using_custom_render_option Mime::Type.register 'text/simon', :simon get :render_simon_says, :format => :simon assert_equal "Simon says: foo", @response.body end def render_simon_says respond_to do |format| format.simon { render :simon => "foo" } end end
Hope that helps.
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