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ActiveRecord 2.3.8 bug on find with include, order, limit and coalesce
Reported by Dmitry Novotochinov | March 9th, 2011 @ 12:54 PM
def test_finder_with_include_coalesce_order_by_and_limit
query = "SELECT DISTINCT accounts.firm_name FROM accounts WHERE accounts.firm_id = 1"
assert_nothing_raised {
Developer.all(:order => "COALESCE(, developers.salary)",
:conditions => " IN (#{query})",
:include => :audit_logs,
:limit => 100) }
Exception raised:
Class: <ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid>
Message: <"PGError: ERROR: syntax error at or near \"AS\"\nLINE 1: ...pers\".id) \"developers\".id, COALESCE( AS alias_0...\n^\n:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (\"developers\".id) \"developers\".id, COALESCE( AS alias_0, developers.salary) AS alias_1 FROM \"developers\" WHERE ( IN (SELECT DISTINCT accounts.firm_name FROM accounts WHERE accounts.firm_id = 1)) ) AS id_list ORDER BY id_list.alias_0 , id_list.alias_1 LIMIT 100">
Got it on activerecord-2.3.8. No other versions were tested.
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