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Serialized attribute values "Yes" or "No" get coerced into booleans
Reported by Andreas Korth | August 19th, 2008 @ 01:18 AM | in 2.x
When setting a serialized attribute to "Yes" or "No" will set the attribute to true or false, respectively.
Test case:
class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :name, String
class ThingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_name_serialization
thing = = "Yes"
assert == "Yes"
The test case will fail with: ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch: name was supposed to be a String, but was a TrueClass
I'd love to create a patch, but after digging through the code for a while, I still have no clue where things go wrong. Sorry.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Chris Barnett August 19th, 2008 @ 05:09 AM
- Tag changed from 2.1, activerecord, bug, serialize to 2.1, activerecord, bug, edge, serialize
I can confirm this test fails for both 2.1 and edge.
The reason it fails is that attribute serialization was not written to support serialization of Strings.
activerecord/lib/active_record/base.rb: (edge line 2769)
def object_from_yaml(string) return string unless string.is_a?(String) YAML::load(string) rescue string end
Despite the name, this method is passed whatever you assign to a serialized attribute, in it's unserialized form. So in the test above, object_from_yaml("Yes") is called, which returns true because "Yes" is a String, and YAML::load translates "Yes" to true.
My guess would be that to fix this, somewhere further up the method call chain, there needs to be a decision to not try to unserialize values that haven't been serialized yet.
I can try to write a patch, but I'm a rails hacking n00b, and I'm not sure if it's really, really worth supporting the use case of serializing a String.
On the other hand, it might be worth fixing because the problem also affects serialization of String subclasses.
Andreas Korth August 19th, 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Thanks, Chris.
Now that I know where things go wrong, I can probably create a patch.
It might not make a whole lot of sense to serialize a String, but in my case the attribute value can be either a String, or an Array, or a Hash.
This is definitely a Rails bug, since YAML::load(YAML::dump("Yes")) == "Yes".
I'll work around this for now, hoping that someone from core will pick it up. If not, I'll schedule it as a task for our next iteration.
Thanks again for figuring this out.
Peter Wagenet August 23rd, 2008 @ 08:02 PM
I think I have a pretty simple fix for this. I'll post it as soon as I get a couple things sorted out.
Peter Wagenet August 23rd, 2008 @ 08:52 PM
- no changes were found...
Peter Wagenet August 23rd, 2008 @ 08:52 PM
- Tag changed from 2.1, activerecord, bug, edge, serialize to 2.1, activerecord, bug, edge, patch, serialize, tested
Here we go.
Tarmo Tänav September 10th, 2008 @ 06:53 AM
For me the case is to have an answer attribute that can hold any type of value for dynamically built forms. So depending on the field type it may contain, a string, a datetime, an array of selected options, a ranking order... And this means that string too must be serialized for there to not be any unintended unserializings of certain string values.
Andreas Korth September 10th, 2008 @ 08:18 AM
My use case is the same as Tarmo's. Serializing a string alone doesn't make sense, but whenever the attribute value can be of variable type, the bug might hit you.
Repository October 27th, 2008 @ 04:17 PM
- State changed from new to committed
(from [c94ba8150a726da4a894cd8325ee682a3286ec9f]) Fixed that serialized strings should never be type-casted (i.e. turning "Yes" to a boolean)(Andreas Korth) [#857 state:committed]
viktor tron (strawberry) October 22nd, 2009 @ 12:30 PM
We should reopen this issue.
It took me hours to figure out why serialization fails on my object.
It was because YAML refuses to deserialize a Method,
but the object_from_yaml function rescues this and falls back to the unserialized string value
if you constrained the serialization for a type, then the object will fail with Type Mismatch.suppose attr on object s is serialized as a Hash
this is what you get.s.attr ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch: attr was supposed to be a Hash, but was a String
s.instance_eval { object_from_yaml(@attributes['attr']) }.class => String s.instance_eval { YAML::load(@attributes['attr']) }.class TypeError: allocator undefined for Methodfrom /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in `transfer'
Very annoying that on the s.attr call the real problem is masked because of the rescue in object_from_yaml.
While in this case it is just annoying, imagine the case mentioned by some of you when you serialize because of type polymorphism.
In that case the string will be a legitimate type (No type mismatch error), and we will not fail, but instead of an object we get the serialized string of an object.
This is a security risk since it could display confidential info stored in the serialized objects attributes which you never intended to display for instance.The real problem is of course a bug in YAML which should refuse to dump objects which it cannot load
but that is another issue....I suggest removing the rescue string
viktor tron (strawberry) October 22nd, 2009 @ 12:41 PM
sorry for awkward formatting, I resubmit.
We should reopen this issue.
It took me hours to figure out why serialization fails on my object.
It was because YAML refuses to deserialize a Method,
but the object_from_yaml function rescues this and falls back to the unserialized string value
if you constrained the serialization for a type, then the object will fail with Type Mismatch.suppose attr on object s is serialized as a Hash
this is what you get.>> s.attr ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch: attr was supposed to be a Hash, but was a String >> s.instance_eval { object_from_yaml(@attributes['attr']) }.class => String >> s.instance_eval { YAML::load(@attributes['attr']) }.class TypeError: allocator undefined for Method from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in `transfer'
Very annoying that on the s.attr call the real problem is masked because of the rescue in object_from_yaml.
While in this case it is just annoying, imagine the case mentioned by some of you when you serialize because of type polymorphism.
In that case the string will be a legitimate type (No type mismatch error), and we will not fail, but instead of an object we get the serialized string of an object.
This is a security risk since it could display confidential info stored in the serialized objects attributes which you never intended to display for instance.The real problem is of course a bug in YAML which should refuse to dump objects which it cannot load
but that is another issue....I suggest removing the rescue string
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