Claudio Poli
I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific locale
was updated by Claudio Poli
Friday May 15
ticket - [Patch] template missing with respond_to and namespaced controllers was updated by Claudio Poli 10:49 AM ticket
Template missing with respond_to and namespaced controllers
was updated by Claudio Poli
Wednesday May 13
ticket - Template not found in edge was updated by Claudio Poli 11:34 AM ticket
Illformed requirement on edge with certain versions of ruby
was updated by Claudio Poli
Monday May 11
ticket - Illformed requirement on edge with ce... was created by Claudio Poli 10:19 PM ticket
Template not found in edge
was created by Claudio Poli
Thursday May 07
ticket -
Bug colliding classes (when they shouldn't)was updated by Claudio PoliWednesday Oct 08
ticket -
Support for nested has_many :through associations
was updated by Claudio Poli
Tuesday Oct 07
ticket - Support for nested has_many :through associations was updated by Claudio Poli 05:45 PM ticket