Claudio Poli
[Patch] has_many :through doesn't update counter_cache on join model correctly. was updated by Claudio Poli
Wednesday Nov 17
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[Patch] has_many :through doesn't update counter_cache on join model correctly. was updated by Claudio Poli 08:14 PM ticket
Rails 2.3 AR JSON validation errors i... was created by Claudio Poli
Saturday Nov 13
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Anonymous extension modules for all associations was updated by Claudio Poli
Friday Nov 05
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No Content-Length, ETag, or Last-Modified-Date in HEAD request response with send_file was updated by Claudio Poli
Tuesday Nov 02
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No Content-Length, ETag, or Last-Modified-Date in HEAD request response with send_file was updated by Claudio Poli 01:24 PM ticket
send_file_headers! should get higher ... was created by Claudio Poli
Tuesday Oct 26
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Incorrect transformation of file name uploadwas updated by Claudio PoliSunday Oct 17
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Incorrect transformation of file name upload was updated by Claudio Poli 02:48 AM ticket
Incorrect transformation of file name... was created by Claudio Poli 02:28 AM ticket