nested :joins scope can't be merged correctly was updated by laptopbatteries
Saturday Apr 16
ticket -
nested :joins scope can't be merged correctly was updated by laptopbatteries 03:11 AM ticket
Arel generates invalid SQL when using DISTINCT ON in PostgreSQL was updated by laptopbatteries 03:10 AM ticket
Rake tasks and script/rails commands should respect Engine paths was updated by laptopbatteries 03:09 AM ticket
cookies doesnt work in IE 8,9 was updated by laptopbatteries 03:08 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::Inflector, wrong singular for "process" was updated by laptopbatteries 03:08 AM ticket
Validations' if blocks are run before any :on checks are made was updated by laptopbatteries 03:08 AM ticket
Rack::Request#content_charset is always blank due to ActionDispatch::MimeNegotation#content_type was updated by laptopbatteries 03:08 AM ticket
[BUG] "\302\240".match /\w/ on ruby 1.8 was updated by laptopbatteries 03:07 AM ticket
Allow after_commit :do_something, :on => [:update, :create] was updated by laptopbatteries 03:02 AM ticket