Hash Conditions belongs_to sugar was updated by Pratik
Saturday Jun 28
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Polymorphic eager load does not care about full class name in <assoc_name>_type column was updated by Pratik
Friday Jun 27
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patch to add :count=>:words to validates_length_ofwas updated by Pratik 04:33 PM ticket -
Dirty doesn't track integers changing from 0 to null was updated by Pratik 04:14 PM ticket
Polymorphic eager load does not care about full class name in <assoc_name>_type column was updated by Pratik 04:11 PM ticket
inner join error in has_many :through was updated by Pratik 04:10 PM ticket
Hash Conditions belongs_to sugar was updated by Pratik 03:36 PM ticket
Hash Conditions belongs_to sugar was updated by Pratik 01:55 PM ticket
Route optimisation adds hanging question mark when passed empty options hash was updated by Pratik 01:53 PM ticket
Asset include helpers should consider subdirectories when used with :all was updated by Pratik 01:49 PM ticket