validates_uniqueness_of is horribly inefficient in mysql
was updated by Pratik
Wednesday Aug 19
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add nginx support for :x_sendfile option in file streaming
was updated by Pratik
Wednesday Aug 12
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Fixed typo in test name and CHANGELOG
was updated by Pratik
Monday Aug 10
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AR:Base mangles dates when user submits only part of the fieldswas updated by Pratik 03:34 PM ticket - validates_non_format_of - the converse of validates_format_of was updated by Pratik 03:26 PM ticket
- has_one :through not working? was updated by Pratik 12:25 AM ticket
Enumerable#sum not called on some association collectionswas updated by PratikSunday Aug 09
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ActiveResource load method dies on Array contains Numeric elementswas updated by Pratik 11:52 PM ticket -
"bös".chars.reverse is "s̈ob" for decomposed stringwas updated by Pratik 11:49 PM ticket - ActiveResource load method dies on Array contains Numeric elements was updated by Pratik 11:18 PM ticket