Rails 2.3.x - "render :text => proc" - problems with output buffer was updated by Pratik
Saturday Aug 08
ticket -
polymorphic routes should handle collections through Model Classwas updated by Pratik 05:19 PM ticket -
activerecord condition hashes should respect ruby range syntaxwas updated by Pratik 03:42 PM ticket -
"find (ActiveRecord::Base)"was updated by Pratik 02:36 PM ticket -
BUG: Query Cache does not handle multiple calls to find_or_create_by_*was updated by Pratik 03:01 AM ticket -
Explicitly setting the content type get overriden by respond_to / render was updated by Pratik 02:53 AM ticket
filter_parameter_logging throws exception with ruby 1.9.1 was updated by Pratik 01:45 AM ticket
AR::Base.find_every should support :preload => false optionwas updated by Pratik 01:43 AM ticket -
auto_link should apply html_options to email addresses toowas updated by Pratik 01:37 AM ticket -
ruby19 incompatibility: ActiveResource::Connection#http, use_ssl? was updated by Pratik
Friday Aug 07