James Adam
[Rails3] Conditional before_filter not always executed for implicit resource actions was updated by James Adam
Wednesday Mar 23
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[Rails3] Conditional before_filter not always executed for implicit resource actions was updated by James Adam 04:50 PM ticket
Modules including ActionView::Helpers fail to load due to JavaScript vs Javascript typo was updated by James Adam
Friday May 22
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Modular Rails info was updated by James Adam
Thursday May 21
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Modular Rails info was updated by James Adam 03:15 PM ticket
app/helpers within plugin not being mixed in was updated by James Adam
Saturday May 02
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Allow Engines routes order to be defined (map.from_plugin)was updated by James AdamFriday May 01
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Unify approach to gem dependencies was updated by James Adam 08:43 PM ticket
Add way for plugins to map routeswas updated by James Adam 06:55 PM ticket -
Add an API for plugins to register routeswas updated by James Adam 06:55 PM ticket