Bruno Michel
Weird classes namespace whith cache_classes = false was updated by Bruno Michel
Wednesday Sep 29
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Weird classes namespace whith cache_c... was created by Bruno Michel 08:45 PM ticket
redirect_to a custom protocol is causing errors was updated by Bruno Michel
Wednesday Jun 30
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redirect_to a custom protocol is causing errors was updated by Bruno Michel 05:06 PM ticket
redirect_to a custom protocol is causing errors was updated by Bruno Michel 01:26 PM ticket
"\xC2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 Internal Server Error was updated by Bruno Michel
Tuesday Jun 29
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distance_of_time_in_words should work with DateTime as argument was updated by Bruno Michel 09:56 PM ticket
ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger and us-ascii message on ruby 1.9.x was updated by Bruno Michel 09:44 PM ticket
HashWithIndifferentAccess#merge should accept block just like Hash#merge was updated by Bruno Michel 09:39 PM ticket
Error on assert_recognizes when used ... was created by Bruno Michel 02:50 PM ticket