Bruno Michel
Link_to doesn't escape its input was updated by Bruno Michel
Saturday Feb 06
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Link_to doesn't escape its input was created by Bruno Michel
Sunday Nov 29
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Button_to does not return an HTML-safe string was updated by Bruno Michel
Tuesday Nov 10
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Field_set_tag doesn't escape the legend was created by Bruno Michel
Sunday Nov 01
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escape_label_tag.diff was uploaded by Bruno Michel 02:10 PM file
Label tag doesn't escape its input was created by Bruno Michel 01:11 PM ticket
Button_to does not return an HTML-safe string was updated by Bruno Michel 01:09 PM ticket
Introduce notion of 'html_safe?' to Strings in preparation for on-by-default XSS was updated by Bruno Michel 12:47 PM ticket
Button_to does not return an HTML-saf... was created by Bruno Michel 12:45 PM ticket
Introduce notion of 'html_safe?' to Strings in preparation for on-by-default XSS was updated by Bruno Michel
Monday Oct 19