Ryan Bigg
Get rid of Class#extlib_inheritable_reader
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday Oct 19
ticket - render :text => proc { ... } regression was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- [BUG] [PATCH] Rails 3.0 should allow tests to run in 'cucumber' environment was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- [rails3 beta] "rails runner" can't be used in shebang lines was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- Rails 3 - Windows Vista x64 - Error "different prefix:" - Two Hard Drives was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- rake doc:rails doesn't know how to build taks actionmailer...README was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- Rails 3.0.0-pre - stylesheet_link_tag, javascript_include_tag cache fails when using File.atomic_write: Invalid cross-device link was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- ActiveRecord::SessionStore allows blank session_id was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:34 AM ticket
- ActiveSupport::JSON.encode bogus CircularReferenceError was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:33 AM ticket
- Merge Dispatcher and Middleware in Application object was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:33 AM ticket