Ryan Bigg
Properly handle depth first array param order as from prototype form serialize
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday Oct 19
ticket - session.to_hash() doesn't lazy load was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:27 AM ticket
- Rails 3 Session Cookies and Render Calls was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:27 AM ticket
- databases.rake: db:dump task abuses "schema_search_path" and makes false assumptions about `pg_dump --schema` was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- ActiveRecords SQLite3 binary data corruption around '%' was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- Subclasses of HashWithIndifferentAccess dup the wrong class was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- rails makes it *impossible* to use any 3rd party json libs to generate pretty json was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- find creates wrong SQL when you set "has_one :through" association on :join option was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- Create a JSON builder for resource representations was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket
- Reloading a new record results in an inconsistent state was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:26 AM ticket