Ryan Bigg
caching bugs in ActiveRecord#create and associations
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday Oct 19
ticket - Rails 3 ActionView is not thread-safe was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:24 AM ticket
- ActiveSupport::Benchmarkable.benchmark double-renders was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- activerecord connection established event was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- bundle install: <internal:gem_prelude>:344:in `method_missing': undefined method `user_home' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError) was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- Patch that adds an exception was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- undefined method `destroyed?' for ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- undefined method `destroyed?' for ActiveRecord::Associations::BelongsToAssociation was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- named_scope doesn't override default_scope's :order key was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket
- rails 2.3.8 and InvalidAuthenticityToken was updated by Ryan Bigg 08:23 AM ticket