Ryan Bigg
[PATCH] assert_template wrong behavior for testing layout used to render template?
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Saturday Oct 16
ticket - _request_and_response.erb and diagnostics.erb take an increasingly long time to render in development with multiple SHOW TABLES calls was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:42 AM ticket
- ActiveRecord::Relation#scope_for_create wrongly merges other table's conditions having same attribute name was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:42 AM ticket
- to_xml doesn't work in such case: Event.select('title as t').to_xml was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:42 AM ticket
- i18n routes can't be recognized was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:42 AM ticket
- Column definitions not cached for calculations on has_many association with :include was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:42 AM ticket
- Integrate support for Dalli was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:38 AM ticket
- rake db:create problem in rails3 with mysql2 was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:38 AM ticket
- capture helper assumes that text is html_safe was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:38 AM ticket
- :limit + :offset incompatibility between SQLite and Postgres was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:38 AM ticket