Ryan Bigg
[PATCH] search_field form helper leaves the :object key in html attributeswas updated by Ryan BiggThursday Oct 14
ticket -
Postgres: Invalid default value getting from character varying columns.was updated by Ryan Bigg 05:29 AM ticket -
add test case to specify behaviour of _assigns in ActionView::TestCasewas updated by Ryan Bigg 05:29 AM ticket -
[PATCH] Add content_append option for to_label_tag.was updated by Ryan Bigg 05:29 AM ticket -
Minify packaged javascript librarieswas updated by Ryan Bigg 04:51 AM ticket - [Patch] Rails3 - accepts_nested_attributes_for reject_if => {blank id} raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound when id is an empty string was updated by Ryan Bigg 04:51 AM ticket
New UJS helpers do not have a way to render a "loading..." text / iconwas updated by Ryan Bigg 04:51 AM ticket -
Installation rails3 beta3 errorwas updated by Ryan Bigg 02:08 AM ticket - inverse_of causes infinite loop with accepts_nested_attributes_for was updated by Ryan Bigg 02:00 AM ticket
[PATCH] Prefer tap to returning in ActiveRecordwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:55 AM ticket