Ryan Bigg
Suggestion: Change to create Rails 3.0 apps by `rails init app-name`
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Friday Jun 04
ticket - Suggestion: Change to create Rails 3.0 apps by `rails init app-name` was updated by Ryan Bigg 06:53 AM ticket
Suggestion: Change to create Rails 3.0 apps by `rails init app-name`
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Thursday Jun 03
ticket -
XSS in 2.3.8 is still opt-inwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:04 AM ticket - XSS in 2.3.8 is still opt-in was updated by Ryan Bigg 12:34 AM ticket
XSS in 2.3.8 is still opt-in
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Wednesday Jun 02
ticket -
accepts_nested_attributes_for does't work when nested_attributes hash has an :id entry
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Monday May 31
ticket -
accepts_nested_attributes_for does't work when nested_attributes hash has an :id entrywas updated by Ryan Bigg 07:55 AM ticket -
'type' field not filled when created from hierarchy
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Tuesday May 25
ticket - Can't run rails3 w/o active record was updated by Ryan Bigg 12:44 PM ticket