Two errors in Rails::Generators::Actions initializer method commentswas updated by klkkMonday May 23
ticket -
Limit failing on Arel Rails 3.0Betawas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
AssociationCollection#include? ignoring build associated objectswas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
Error in comments in environment.rbwas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
ActiveRecord generates invalid SQL when eager loading a hmt association with an orderwas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
Comments in erb/rthml cause incorrect formattingwas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
Using Model.includes(:relation_with_custom_primary_key)was updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
UrlRewriter should call #to_param on the value given in :anchorwas updated by klkk 02:59 AM ticket -
average() returns integer values instead of decimalswas updated by klkk 02:58 AM ticket -
ActiveResource - Adding associations through reflections was updated by klkk 02:58 AM ticket