Aaron Patterson
behavioral tests for sqlite adapter
was created by Aaron Patterson
Wednesday Jul 07
ticket -
session.clear should actually clear out the session
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Thursday Jul 01
ticket - session.clear should actually clear out the session was updated by Aaron Patterson 10:40 PM ticket
- session.clear should actually clear out the session was updated by Aaron Patterson 10:36 PM ticket
- session.clear should actually clear o... was created by Aaron Patterson 10:33 PM ticket
Nested objects don't deserialize completely (Rails 3 beta 4)was updated by Aaron PattersonWednesday Jun 30
ticket - Nested objects don't deserialize completely (Rails 3 beta 4) was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:45 AM ticket
caching bugs in ActiveRecord#create and associations
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Tuesday Jun 29
ticket -
catch_schema_changes in the sqlite3 adapter doesn't actually do anything
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Sunday Jun 27
ticket - catch_schema_changes in the sqlite3 a... was created by Aaron Patterson 01:05 AM ticket