Aaron Patterson
Ruby's time zone detection does not agree with PostgreSQL sometimes
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Friday Jun 18
ticket - Ruby's time zone detection does not agree with PostgreSQL sometimes was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:30 AM ticket
- Ruby's time zone detection does not a... was created by Aaron Patterson 12:28 AM ticket
ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#period raises an exception when using a nil timezone
was updated by Aaron Patterson
Thursday Jun 17
ticket - ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#period raises an exception when using a nil timezone was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:48 AM ticket
- ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#period raises an exception when using a nil timezone was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:47 AM ticket
- ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#period raises an exception when using a nil timezone was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:46 AM ticket
- ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone#period ra... was created by Aaron Patterson 12:44 AM ticket
- Possible bug in ActiveRecord beta4 sqlite3_adapter / sqlite3 was updated by Aaron Patterson 12:43 AM ticket
rails3 : ActiveRecord sqlite3 : lost column type when using viewswas updated by Aaron Patterson 12:42 AM ticket