Emilio Tagua
Make assert_sql output easier to debu... was created by Emilio Tagua
Monday Apr 27
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Fix models load order in ActiveRecord... was created by Emilio Tagua
Thursday Apr 23
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validates_length_of does not accept custom messages when :within used was updated by Emilio Tagua
Thursday Jan 29
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Raise error when (re)naming columns on migration with ActiveRecord instance method names. was updated by Emilio Tagua
Saturday Dec 20
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Add missing fixture to run reload mod... was created by Emilio Tagua 08:08 PM ticket
Replacing ActiveRecord::Validations with Validatable was updated by Emilio Tagua
Wednesday Dec 10
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i18n tests not running was created by Emilio Tagua 07:09 PM ticket
counter_cache not decrementing on delete was updated by Emilio Tagua
Tuesday Dec 02
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Add missing model files to run hmt tests was created by Emilio Tagua 04:50 PM ticket
ActiveResource Failed With Rails 2.2.1 was updated by Emilio Tagua 02:22 PM ticket