Emilio Tagua
size method ignores "group by" on has_many
was updated by Emilio Tagua
Friday Sep 12
ticket - skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes does not work was updated by Emilio Tagua 03:29 PM ticket
- sortable_element with no :url option was updated by Emilio Tagua 02:50 PM ticket
- Improve test coverage and add :having option to finder, hm and habtm. was updated by Emilio Tagua 02:26 PM ticket
Improve test coverage and add :having option to finder, hm and habtm.
was updated by Emilio Tagua
Thursday Sep 11
ticket - Improve test coverage and add :having option to finder, hm and habtm. was updated by Emilio Tagua 09:44 PM ticket
- Improve test coverage and add :having... was created by Emilio Tagua 09:10 PM ticket
- Add --debugger option to script/console was created by Emilio Tagua 04:09 PM ticket
Prototype helpers should generate Element.insert instead of Insertion.new
was updated by Emilio Tagua
Monday Sep 08
ticket -
Raise error when (re)naming columns o...
was created by Emilio Tagua
Monday Sep 01